This Golang program reads from nginx access logs in the format specifiec by ../web/nginx.conf and reports the status codes per 5 seconds and the routes of requests with status codes of 500-599 in a statsd compatible format.
The program executes in a goroutine triggered within a 5s Ticker to achive 5s polling. The file is not closed and there are no checks for differing inodes between the open file and the target file (default: /var/log/nginx/access.log) so this script must be restarted after log rotation.
When editing the core nginxstatsd.go file you should always run goimports/gofmt (handled by vim/vundle here),
go test nginxstatsd_test.go
and ./
to make sure your changes don't break critical logic.
$ vim nginxstatsd.go ; go test nginxstatsd_test.go ; ./
ok command-line-arguments 0.008s
Files test_stats_out.log and test_stats_expected.log differ
After this you should return up one directory to test the code change in the docker-compose up
environment to ensure the output is truly statsd compatible.
The test function injects sample nginx log lines into ParseLine which extracts the route and status code from the nginx log line.
$ go test nginxstatsd_test.go
ok command-line-arguments 0.008s
This script runs the nginxstats.go program against test_nginx_access.log and compares the test_stats_expected.log file with the generated test_stats_out.log file.
$ ./
Files test_stats_out.log and test_stats_expected.log are identical
Set -poll=false
to run once on the command line for testing.
In with -debug
set every line parsed is printed out along with the key-value pairs created from the regular expression match.
You can specify what input file to grab and where to write the statsd file, see help for details.
$ go run nginxstatsd.go -h
Usage of /var/folders/rj/mj3jzcfd2z7_z_g2xmtzphkc0000gp/T/go-build754247753/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/nginxstatsd:
if set log more verboseley
-inputLogFilename string
default access.log file to parse: /var/log/nginx/access.log (default "/var/log/nginx/access.log")
if set keep running in the foreground else parse once and quit (default true)
if set send metrics to host statsd on port 8125
-statsFilename string
default stats.log to write to: /var/log/stats.log (default "/var/log/stats.log")
if set use statsd metrcis per spec, else use counter (default true)
exit status 2
$ go run nginxstatsd.go -poll=false -inputLogFilename sample.log -statsFilename stats.log
regex parse failed, skipping line: - - - - [02/Aug/2015:17:57:37 +0000] http http http "GET /assets/images/product-images/thumb/BGEL-3Z-CURRENT-24b30fb635781809c9ea42702e77090c.png HTTP/1.1" 200 68556 "-" "imgix/1.0"
$ go run nginxstatsd.go -poll=false -inputLogFilename sample.log -statsFilename stats.log -debug
map[status_code:200 request_route:/]
map[request_route:/api/v1/user status_code:200]
map[status_code:200 request_route:/api/v1/user]
map[request_route:/api/v1/user status_code:200]
map[status_code:200 request_route:/robots.txt]
Could not match log line: -, - - - [03/Aug/2015:16:08:44 +0000] https https https "GET /our-products/shave?action=redeem-gift-card&_escaped_fragment_= HTTP/1.1" 200 24648 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"
$ go run nginxstatsd.go
Tick at 2016-03-20 21:54:20.990495901 -0700 PDT
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Tick at 2016-03-20 21:56:00.987639467 -0700 PDT
Tick at 2016-03-20 21:56:05.986942749 -0700 PDT
Tick at 2016-03-20 21:56:10.98772314 -0700 PDT