This is about the docker-compose environment. For the nginx parsing program please see the folder golangstats
This docker-compose environment starts an nginx web server, an nginx tcp proxy, a gatling test simulation, a golang nginx stats collector (this project), and a statsd/grafana/graphite container.
Open up two terminals and a web browser
- In a terminal use
docker-compose up -d; docker-compose logs
to launch the containers, and follow the logs. docker-compose up may be sufficient but if any container (such as exits prematurely docker-compose tears down the whole environment. - In the other terminal use
docker-compose ps
to get the forwarded ports for 80 on the statsd container and the web container - Visit these in your browser (the ip you will need depends on your setup and where your docker-engine is running, if you are using docker-tools
docker-machine ls
should tell you the IP address otherwise you can use localhost on Linux) - On Grafana login with the username and password admin (that's admin for both fields). Navigate to the "http status" dashboard to see the results of the program output to graphite
- Feel free to cause more results by visiting the web server (routes used in tests, /, /403mepls, /404mepls, /500mepls)
- Gatling will publish results of its tests when finished in a folder like this: gatling/results/mystatuscodesim-1458704153189/index.html
Example grafana screen shot of script reporting during tests (200 spike is me running while :; do curl -Is > /dev/null; done
for a minute or so)
If Grafana prints fake data for you you may have to add the Graphite Data Source. This is easiest by running the following command
docker exec -it golangnginxlogstats_statsd_1 sh /root/
$ change something
docker-compose stop # if comtainers already running
docker-compose rm -fv # if containers already exist
docker-compose up -d # allows your term to detach without stopping all containers
docker-compose logs # allows you to keep tailing all the logs anyway
I like to make that workflow very accessible via shell alias
alias dcompcycle='docker-compose stop; docker-compose rm -fv; docker-compose up -d; docker-compose logs'
Just attach to the gatling container and curl the web or proxy host. First find the container name using docker-compose ps
$ docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
golangnginxlogstats_gatling_1 sh -c -sf /opt/ ... Exit 1
golangnginxlogstats_proxy_1 nginx -g daemon off; Up 443/tcp,>80/tcp
golangnginxlogstats_web_1 nginx -g daemon off; -c /e ... Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp
To create requests from your laptop to Nginx on the command line you first have to find the docker-engine host's IP address. Its easier to run
curl -sk -H'X-Forwarded-For:,'
OSX Yosemite 10.10.5
installed go via homebrew
$ go version
go version go1.6 darwin/amd64
installed docker via docker-tools using a VBox backed docker-machine
$ docker info
Containers: 95
Images: 408
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Dirs: 598
Dirperm1 Supported: true
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Logging Driver: json-file
Kernel Version: 4.1.10-boot2docker
Operating System: Boot2Docker 1.8.3 (TCL 6.4); master : af8b089 - Mon Oct 12 18:56:54 UTC 2015
CPUs: 7
Total Memory: 1.955 GiB
Name: notdefault
Debug mode (server): true
File Descriptors: 42
Goroutines: 118
System Time: 2016-03-22T05:47:29.914823369Z
EventsListeners: 0
Init SHA1:
Init Path: /usr/local/bin/docker
Docker Root Dir: /mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker