This repository is the implementation of "Seamless Texture Optimization for RGB-D Reconstruction".
Yanping Fu, Qingan Yan, Jie Liao, Huajian Zhou, Jin Tang, Chunxia Xiao. Seamless Texture Optimization for RGB-D Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, DOI:10.1109/TVCG.2021.3134105.
To test our algorithm. run G2LTex in command line:
./bin/SeamlessTex [DIR] [PLY]
Params explanation:
: The reconstructed model for texture mapping.
: The texture image directory, include rgb images, depth images, and camera trajectory.
The parameters of the camera and the system can be set in the config file.
- Color frames (color_XX.jpg): RGB, 24-bit, JPG.
- Depth frames (depth_XX.png): depth (mm), 16-bit, PNG (invalid depth is set to 0).
- Camera poses ( world-to-camera [tx, ty, tz, R00, R01, R02, R10, R11, R12, R20, R21, R22].
The code has following prerequisites:
- OpenCV (2.4.10)
- Eigen (>3.0)
- png12
- jpeg
All the parameters can be set in the file Config/config.yml
as follows:
depth_fx: 540.69
depth_fy: 540.69
depth_cx: 479.75
depth_cy: 269.75
depth_width: 960
depth_height: 540
RGB_fx: 1081.37
RGB_fy: 1081.37
RGB_cx: 959.5
RGB_cy: 539.5
RGB_width: 1920
RGB_height: 1080