This is a very simple and lightweight helper function that makes it easier to set up a focus trap in a modal window. This implementation is not library specific and can therefore be used with VanillaJS, React or any other library/framework.
First import the helper function. You don't necessarily need to name it focusTrap
, you can use any name you want.
import focusTrap from 'modal-focus-trap';
Set up the focus trap by passing in an HTMLElement
which is your modal element. The function returns a callback you can use later on to disengage the focus trap. Cache this callback somewhere in your code, you will need it later.
const modalElement = document.querySelector('.modal');
let restoreFocus = focusTrap(modalElement);
After closing the modal, you need to disengage the focus trap and restore the focus to the previously focused element by invoking the callback:
if (restoreFocus) {
restoreFocus = null;
You can also create a hook to use this helper with React:
import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import focusTrap from 'modal-focus-trap';
export default function useFocusTrap() {
const ref = useRef(null);
// Create on didMount.
useEffect(() => {
const destroy = focusTrap(ref.current);
// Destroy on willUnmount.
return destroy;
}, []);
return ref;
See this sample project for more info.