Terrae is a Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) strategy game, based on a medieval word. All assets (natural and monetary resources, armies, buildings and others), are registered on blockchain in a decentralized way, with no server intervention. Players become real owners of their in-game assets. Thanks that, they are able to trade valuated assets (like NFT warriors or yield farming positions) and so, monetize their progress (and their valuated time invested in games).
The current project aims to test basic functionalities in Terrae world tokenomics, considering:
- Denaris ERC20 token
- Resources ERC20 tokens
- Soldiers NFT tokens
The real project will be using the core basics soon.
Visit demo
Check terragame.com for updates. The team is working hard and will be pushing updates soon.
- Install Truffle and other dependencies
npm install
- Compile smart contracts:
truffle compile
- Migrate smart contracts to the blockchain, specifying one of the networks defined in truffle-config.js:
truffle migrate --network <rinkeby|tbinance|...>
- Run tests (needs ganache running) with:
truffle test
To create the pool pair, use CreatePair
function in scripts/sc_interaction.js
To retrieve the address of the pool pair, use GetPoolPairAddress
function in scripts/sc_interaction.js
The first time you add liquidity to the pool, you will set the price token price, providing a relationship between TDEN and BNB or ETH.
Execute AutomatePoolPair
function to complete the hole process, from creating the pair to prividing the liquidity.
- Gold: 0xE9c642Cf2714bf5d5644704eC61B962109bdC108
- Emerald: 0x3f30362F09D701D36CEc069b3CC3157006c6c835
- Sapphire: 0x61F1840941DafA9f8F38F0CD96166c4678633EA5
- Ruby: 0x64C4fE50F68b9f3eaCdBEce21461fb34eF3b12C9
- Gold: 0xCc5CA0949ED9a53dF3Eb228ce3Cdd3a74cE86b69
- Emerald: 0x6D19b36b2E402d66Abd7EC88901EE997eae3f7A4
- Sapphire: 0x0Ff619471a1E2F8eF89F94A2b2B44875499169Ab
- Ruby: 0x30ae084dFb90a44eA7574B8634c1F9c4ED6E7715
- 0x6F3eC0115A6aB1b91B6487b1889a3435b5D4DabE
- Gold: NN
- Emerald: NN
- Sapphire: NN
- Ruby: NN
- Gold: NN
- Emerald: NN
- Sapphire: NN
- Ruby: NN
- 0x6F3eC0115A6aB1b91B6487b1889a3435b5D4DabE