The game is set in the beautiful landscape of Renaissance Florence. The players objective is to earn the highest number of victory points putting four familiars in differents game board's areas taking resources, raising buildings, taking on ventures and meeting important characters.
We have implemented:
- Cli
- Gui
- Socket
- Advanced
- Show player's statistics
- Show global ranking
- Play a new match
- Close the game
For running the software, firstly run the main method in class /project/server/ This main starts RMIServer and Socket Server.
Start the client running the main method in /project/client/ When you run this main method, the software ask to you of typing the kind of User interface that you wants to use, later the kind of connection's technology, the server's IP address and finally the nickname that you want to use. The only IP address tested and surely functioning is
- Factory Pattern for constructing the game's cards and all the configurable game's features. Parsing Json files using the Gson API, we have built generic objects for storing the json parameters and, passing these parameters to specific methods, we have built all the concrete objects once for all when the match starts.
- Decorator Pattern for acting some Leader cards, excommunications and development cards effects. When these particular cards are played, some supports and check methods are trasformed run time using this pattern calling the usual methods.
- Socket: socketClient and SocketPlayerHandler class comunicate directly using the usual socket's streams. When they receive a message, using an HashMap containing the string message as key, the method's reference of a Functional interface is overwritten for performing always the right method's call.
- RMI: there is an RMI server that receives all the methods'calls from the clients and calls methods on the dedicated RMIPlayerHandler Class.
- Is possible disconnect the client in various cases: during the Leader cards and tiles' draft, if the player is disconnected is chosen the first card/tile in the list automatically; during a permanent effect's choice, a bonus privilege and a bonus development card, no action is performed; during a payment choice, is choosen a random payment; during the prayer time, the prayer is not performed. A player is considered disconnected when the turn time is up and when he stops the main client's thread. In both cases is possible do a reconnection using the same nickname for the login.
- Gui is based on the main board game and switch the scene depending on user's choice. Clicking on a zone it will be zoomed and it will show real time modifications of familiars. Gui shows also the possibility of using the chat and a custom font but for missing of time they have not been implemented.
- Cli uses printer that allows to show colored lines. it is based on an abstract context that is overwritten according to both the players input and server's messages.
we are grateful for the opportunity of working on this project because we achived every day new skills and we learned how to work as a team dealing with the every day's problems. We have never done a real programming experience before this and we are satisfyed ( conscious that obviously we have still a lot to learn...)
Raffaele Bongo
Federico Betti
Project LM43 - Politecnico di Milano - 10/07/17 - 06:35