The GitHub CLI has added functionality similar to this library (gh search issues, ...
), so just use that instead.
Provides a cli for searching Supports repositories, code, issues and commits. Can be configured for github enterprise instances as well. Built using oclif
The cli requires a personal access token (notifications
scope is needed for the notifications command). The cli will create a new token on the first run and store it for future use. If you prefer you can use your own token and config the cli yourself (see ghs config)
See code: src/hooks/init/auth.ts
$ npm install -g gh-search-cli
running command...
$ ghs (-v|--version|version)
gh-search-cli/3.1.0 darwin-x64 node-v12.19.0
$ ghs --help [COMMAND]
ghs code [QUERY]
ghs commits [QUERY]
ghs config
ghs help [COMMAND]
ghs issues [QUERY]
ghs notifications
ghs repositories [QUERY]
search github code.
$ ghs code [QUERY]
-j, --json Return json. Can be piped to jq.
-l, --language=language Searches code based on the language it's written in.
-o, --open Open the first result in your browser.
-o, --org=org Limits searchs to a specific organization
-r, --repo=repo Limits searches to a specific repository.
-s, --sort=(indexed) The sort field. Can only be indexed, which indicates how recently a file has been indexed
by the GitHub search infrastructure. Default: results are sorted by best match.
-t, --text Show full text match
-u, --user=user Limits searches to a specific user. Use @me for your username
--api-base-url=api-base-url The github api token. Defaults to configured GHE url or ''
--api-token=api-token The github api token. Defaults to configured api token
--extension=extension Matches files with a certain extension after a dot.
--filename=filename Matches files by a substring of the filename.
--in=in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to
the file contents (file), the file path (path), or both.
--order=(asc|desc) The sort order if sort parameter is provided. Default: desc
--path=path Specifies the path prefix that the resulting file must be under.
--size=size Finds files that match a certain size (in bytes).
$ ghs code --extension js "import _ from 'lodash'"
See code: src/commands/code.ts
search github commits.
$ ghs commits [QUERY]
-j, --json Return json. Can be piped to jq.
-o, --open Open the first result in your browser.
-s, --sort=(author-date|committer-date) The sort field. Can be author-date or committer-date. Default: results are
sorted by best match.
--api-base-url=api-base-url The github api token. Defaults to configured GHE url or
--api-token=api-token The github api token. Defaults to configured api token
--author=author Matches commits authored by a user (based on email settings).
--author-date=author-date Matches commits by author date range.
--author-email=author-email Matches commits by author email.
--author-name=author-name Matches commits by author name.
--committer=committer Matches commits committed by a user (based on email settings).
--committer-date=committer-date Matches commits by committer date range.
--committer-email=committer-email Matches commits by committer email.
--committer-name=committer-name Matches commits by committer name.
--hash=hash Matches commits by hash.
--is=(public|private) Matches public or private repositories.
--[no-]merge --merge filters to merge commits, --no-merge filters out merge commits.
--order=(asc|desc) The sort order if sort parameter is provided. Default: desc
--org=org Limits searches to a specific organization.
--parent=parent Matches commits that have a particular parent.
--repo=repo Limits searches to a specific repository.
--tree=tree Matches commits with the specified git tree hash.
--user=user Limits searches to a specific user. Use @me for your username.
$ ghs commit --repo octocat/Spoon-Knife css
See code: src/commands/commits.ts
Configure ghs settings
$ ghs config
--base-url=base-url sets the github base url for github enterprise instances (ex:
--clear clears the local config file including the auth token.
--token=token sets the github token to use.
$ ghs config --clear
config cleared
See code: src/commands/config.ts
display help for ghs
$ ghs help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
search github issues.
$ ghs issues [QUERY]
-c, --created=created Filters issues or pull requests based on date of creation,or when
they were last updated.
-j, --json Return json. Can be piped to jq.
-l, --language=language Searches for issues or pull requests within repositories that
match a certain language.
-m, --merged=merged Filters pull requests based on the date when they were merged.
-o, --open Open the first result in your browser.
-r, --repo=repo Limits searches to a specific repository.
-s, --sort=(comments|created|updated) The sort field. Default: results are sorted by best match.
-s, --status=status Filters pull requests based on the commit status.
-t, --type=(issue|pr) With this qualifier you can restrict the search to issues (issue)
or pull request (pr) only.
-u, --updated=updated Filters issues or pull requests based on date of creation, or
when they were last updated.
-u, --user=user Limits searches to a specific user. Use @me for your username.
--SHA=SHA If you know the specific SHA hash of a commit, you can use it to
search for pull requests that contain that SHA. The SHA syntax
must be at least seven characters.
--api-base-url=api-base-url The github api token. Defaults to configured GHE url or
--api-token=api-token The github api token. Defaults to configured api token
--[no-]archived Filters issues or pull requests based on whether they are in an
archived repository.
--assignee=assignee Finds issues or pull requeststhat are assigned to a certain user.
Use @me for your username.
--author=author Finds issues or pull requests created by a certain user. Use @me
for your username.
--base=base Filters pull requests based on the branch that they came from.
--closed=closed Filters issues or pull requests based on the date when they were
--commenter=commenter Finds issues or pull requests that a certain user commented on.
Use @me for your username.
--comments=comments Filters issues or pull requests based on the quantity of
--head=head Filters pull requests based on the branch that they are
--in=in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can
restrict the searchto just the title (title), body (body),
comments (comments), or any combination of these.
--interactions=interactions You can filter issues and pull requests by the number of
interactions with the interactions qualifier along with greater
than, less than, and range qualifiers. The interactions count is
the number of reactions and comments on an issue or pull request.
--involves=involves Finds issues or pull requests that were either created by a
certain user, assigned to that user, mention that user, or were
commented on by that user. Use @me for your username.
--is=is Searches for items within repositories that match a certain
state, such as open, closed, or merged
--label=label Filters issues or pull requests based on their labels.
--mentions=mentions Finds issues or pull requests that mention a certain user. Use
@me for your username.
--milestone=milestone Finds issues or pull requests that are a part of a milestone
within a repository.
--no=no Filters items missing certain metadata, such as label, milestone,
or assignee
--order=(asc|desc) The sort order if sort parameter is provided. Default: desc
--org=org Limits searches to a specific org.
--project=project Limits searches to a specific project board in a repository or
--reactions=reactions You can filter issues and pull requests by the number of
reactions using the reactions qualifier along with greater than,
less than, and range qualifiers.
--review=(none|required|approved|changes_requested) You can filter pull requests based on their review status
--review-requested=review-requested Filter pull requests by requested reviewer.
--reviewed-by=reviewed-by Filter pull requests by reviewer.
--state=(open|closed) Filter issues or pull requests based on whether they're open or
--team=team For organizations you're a member of, finds issues or pull
requests that @mention a team within the organization.
--team-review-requested=team-review-requested Filter pull requests by requested reviewer.
$ ghs issues --is open --involves my-github-username
See code: src/commands/issues.ts
List notifications
$ ghs notifications
-a, --all If true, show notifications marked as read. Default: false
-b, --before=before Only show notifications updated before the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601
-j, --json Return json. Can be piped to jq.
-o, --open Open the first result in your browser.
-p, --participating If true, only shows notifications in which the user is directly participating or
mentioned. Default: false
-s, --since=since Only show notifications updated after the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601
--api-base-url=api-base-url The github api token. Defaults to configured GHE url or ''
--api-token=api-token The github api token. Defaults to configured api token
--owner=owner Filter notifications to a owner, required with --repo flag
--repo=repo Filter notifications to a repository, required with --owner flag
See code: src/commands/notifications.ts
search github repositories.
$ ghs repositories [QUERY]
-c, --created=created Filters repositories based on date of creation, or when they were last
-f, --[no-]fork Filters whether forked repositories should be included (--fork) or not
-j, --json Return json. Can be piped to jq.
-l, --language=language Searches repositories based on the language they're written in.
-o, --open Open the first result in your browser.
-p, --pushed=pushed Filters repositories based on date of creation, or when they were last
-r, --repo=repo Limits searches to a specific repo.
-s, --sort=(stars|forks|updated) The sort field. Default: results are sorted by best match.
-u, --user=user Limits searches to a specific user. Use @me for your username.
--api-base-url=api-base-url The github api token. Defaults to configured GHE url or
--api-token=api-token The github api token. Defaults to configured api token
--[no-]archived Filters whether archived repositories should be included (--archived) or not
--followers=followers Searches repositories based on the number of followers.
--forks=forks Filters repositories based on the number of forks.
--good-first-issues=good-first-issues Search for repositories that have a minimum number of issues labeled
--help-wanted-issues=help-wanted-issues Search for repositories that have a minimum number of issues labeled
--in=in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the
search to just the repository name, description, readme, or any combination
of these.
--license=license Filters repositories by license or license family, using the license keyword.
--[no-]mirror Search repositories based on whether or not they're a mirror and are hosted
--order=(asc|desc) The sort order if sort parameter is provided. Default: desc
--size=size Finds repositories that match a certain size (in kilobytes).
--stars=stars Searches repositories based on the number of stars.
--topic=topic Filters repositories based on the specified topic.
--topics=topics Search repositories by the number of topics that have been applied to them.
$ ghs repo
$ ghs repository
$ ghs repo puppeteer
GoogleChrome/puppeteer (
See code: src/commands/repositories.ts