http client with ae event lib for analytics or benchmark.
evhttp support three work mode: URLS, FILE, RANDOM.
This mode get the urls from the command line
Get the urls from the file specialed by -F
evhttp -F urls
Use the opt -R to work as RANDOME. This mode will request use randome url.
evhttp -R -f T -h
The random url like to:
can be set by -f. num
will differ in defferent forked process.
And default addr and port is and 80; Can be set by -h, -p, -H.
The option (if exists) for -R special the RAND_MAX.
evhttp -R 1000 -f T -h
The is options for the global remote info.
- -d: set the domain for http host and the server ip. This also can be set by ip.
- -i: set the remote ip. If not set, then set this by resolved the domain.
- -p: set the remote port. Default 80.
- -n: set the total request. 0 means not limit. Default is 1.
- -x: set the parallel num
- -m: set the default request method. Default is "GET".
- -r: set the recycle limit. when tagert the recycle limit. the url will
restart. the arg of this is like 1000n, 1000k, 1000m.
the last char set the type of recycle.
- n: when request times target the limit.
- b,k,m,g,t: is the total bytes recved by net.
- -v: debug level, print the request and response header and etc;
- -s: sum level, print the sum info every 1s
if not special url, then evhttp will use random url.
The url must include the domain name and the url. So the http_host will use the domain name. Url may include the port, if not use the default port seted by -p. The remote ip will use the default ip seted by -h. If not will try to resolved. So you can not set different ip for every domain in command line.
You can choose the value to be output by -w.
'-w' special the format to print the value. like this:
-w 'age: $header.res.age$ DNS: $time.dns$ CON: $time.con$ RES: $time.res$ MAXREAD: $time.max_read$, TRANS: $time.trans$ Total: $$'
will print this:
age: 164956 DNS: 0.000 CON: 0.012 RES: 0.016 MAXREAD: 0.005, TRANS: 0.125 Total: 0.142
There are many value can be used:
- header.res.[field]
- time.dns
- time.con
- time.res
- time.trans
- time.max_read
- info.status
- info.index
- info.lport
- info.recv
- info.speed
you can use the -W to special file as the fmt. like this:
------------------------ Header -------------------------------
Via: $header.res.via$
Age: $header.res.age$
------------------------ Time -------------------------------
DNS: $time.dns$
CON: $time.con$
This output like this:
------------------------ Header -------------------------------
Via: nginx server
Age: 171865
------------------------ Time -------------------------------
DNS: 0.000
CON: 0.012
TOTAL: 0.190