A collection of tools for astronomy software
This terminal based script allows operations (move or delete) on fits files
based on meta-information stored in fits keywords.
The file name shows information like target name, filter or exposition
time but sometimes it's useful to organize file with other criteria (temperature,
eccentricity, HFR etc).
This script allows the user to set any custom condition on all fits keyword.
For example:
- When observing from a remote location, files need to be downloaded locally.
Discarding all bad frames saves download time.
- Lucky imaging requires a lot of disk space, removing worst frames could help
reducing disk occupation.
- ECC > 0.6 and HFR > 2.8 will move/delete worst frame.
- GAIN == 200 and FILTER == 'H_Alpha' will move files having these Gain
and Filter values to another dir
- TEMP > 0 and TEMP <10 will move matching files to corresponding
- Download fits_manager.py
- Execute from terminal: python fits_manager.py
- Set a source directory containing fits file
- Set a destination directory (even in case of deleting files)
- Write a condition matching your criteria
- Move / Delete single or multiple files
- Tested on Linux only, should work on Win/Mac too.
- Python3, astropy
This script allows to delete files!
It's best at first to always move files to a 'backup' directory
and later remove it.
This script reads parameters from Ekos Analyze log file (.analyze)
and writes them as keywords into fits files header section.
As of now can be imported: HFR, Eccentricity, Stars, Median (background)
After an imaging session launch the script:
- python fits_header_import.py
- Enter the .analyze dir location
- Enter the directory where the fits files are located.
If the format of your .analyze log differs, try to fix fits_header_import_config.ini
- fitsFileIndex is the position (comma separated) of the fits file in the
CaptureComplete row of the analyze log
- fitsKeyword are the position/label of fits keyword
In any case open a ticket on github.
- This script doesn't delete any file. It just update or overwrite fits keywords
- Tested on Linux only.
- .analyze default location on linux: ~/.local/share/kstars/analyze/
- Requires: Python3, Astropy, Kstars v.3.5.0+
- As soon as Ekos will write these keywords to a fits file, this
script will be obsolete.
This scripts recursively reads FIT file header and print to terminal.
You can customize which keyword is printed.
- Install python. Any recent version works on Linux, Windows or MacOS
- Install astropy lib: pip install astropy
- The script can be placed anywhere on your file system (e.g. /home/scripts/fits_list.py)
- Open a terminal and move to your images directory: e.g. /home/astrophoto/NGC_1313
- Launch the script with its full path: python /home/scripts/fits_list.py