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IP Manager

This is a simple application for managing IP Address with aliasing.

Pre-requisite Application

For running this application, you need to have the following application in your host.

  • Docker
  • Node - Also in Docker if needed


Please copy the following example files and craete your own files.

cp -av .env.example .env

cp -av docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml


The following languages are used for the application

  • PHP
  • Typescript


The framework used

  • Lumen
  • Angular

Run Application

  • Begin the application, you need to build the docker with the following command first and then start.

    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up -d
  • Then need to install the required packages and do a dumpautoload

    docker-compose exec php composer install
    docker-compose exec php composer dumpautoload
  • Now generate 2 keys for the application and JWT.

    • Application Key

    Copy the generated key and replace in the .env file for the APP_KEY

    echo "APP_KEY=base64:"`echo 'ip-manager by ferdous' | base64`

    NOTE: Lumen does not come with the key:generate CLI command, so this is a easy way to generate.

    • JWT Key
    docker-compose exec php php artisan jwt:secret
  • Next Step is to provide permission to the storage directory and migration for the database

    docker-compose exec php chmod -Rf 777 storage
    docker-compose exec php php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Run APIs

  • For API import the following Postman JSON file in the directory


  • Add an environment variable base_url to the system for API


NPM Install and Build the web packages

Please run the following command for the website to build from Typescript Compiler to Javascript

npm install

npx ng build --base-href http://localhost:8081/website/dist/website/
  • via Docker

    docker-compose exec -w /app/website node npm install
    docker-compose exec -w /app/website node npx ng build --base-href http://localhost:8081/website/dist/website/

Run Tests

For running the application tests

docker-compose exec php php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests --testdox --color

Run Application

Finally go to the following URL to the browse the application

IP Manager
