Collection of maze generation and solving algorithms.
A software that generates and solves different kind of mazes with variable height and width. There are a lot of supporting features. Also, the generated mazes can be saved/loaded as an image.
Demonstration videos on youtube.
The generation algorithms:
- Aldous-Broder [1]
- Binary tree [2]
- Kruskal's [3]
- Prim's [4]
- Recursive backtracking [5]
- Recursive division [6]
The solving algorithms:
The references have clear explanation about how the algorithms work, I won't go into details. Also, my code is fully commented, so it's good reference too.
The folder structure can be seen below.
├── common
│ ├── file_system
│ ├── main
│ └── maze_generator
├── design
├── makefile
├── mazes
│ ├── aldous_broder
│ ├── binary_tree
│ ├── kruskal
│ ├── prim
│ ├── recursive_backtracking
│ └── recursive_division
├── output
└── solver
Details about the important folders and files:
- common:
- main: Main() function, with a demonstration software.
- file_system: Saves/loads the maze as an image.
- maze_generator: Base class for every other class.
- design: Pictures needed by this readme.
- makefile: Generates the target.
- mazes: Every maze generation algorithm (and class) in their own sub folder.
- output: Pictures generated by the software.
- solver: The solver algorithms.
A maze is represented by a vector<vector<uint32_t>>, where 0 is a hole or passage, 1 is a wall and 2 is solution.
Every algorithm has its own class and a common base class, called maze_generator.
Each class has the following public member function:
Function | Purpose |
constructor | Creates the 2D vector with the given height and width. |
get_cell | Returns the value of the cell. |
set_cell | Manually changes the value of a cell (turns it into a wall (1) or a hole(0). |
get_maze | Returns the maze as a 2D vector. |
set_maze | Manually overwrites the whole maze. |
reshape | Changes the height and width of the maze. |
get_height | Returns the height of the maze. |
get_width | Returns the width of the maze. |
generate | Does the actual generation. |
The first six member functions are inherited from the base class, the last is different for every algorithm.
The solving algorithms are way simpler, than the generators. There are only one class (solver) and every algorithm is a single member function.
If you are only interested in reusing the classes/algorithms, then read the previous chapter and the comments inside the code.
If you would like to use the actual software: Make sure, that you have gcc, which support c++14 and OpenCV. I have the following, but older/newer versions might be good too:
gcc version 5.4.0
GNU Make 4.1
OpenCV 4.0.0
If you have everything, then clone the repository, get into the root folder and build:
If it worked, then run:
There is also
make clean
make clean_output
First one is the normal clean, the second one cleans the output folder.
[1] Jamis Buck (The Buckblog) - Aldous-Broder algorithm
[2] Jamis Buck (The Buckblog) - Binary tree algorithm
[3] Jamis Buck (The Buckblog) - Kruskal's algorithm
[4] Jamis Buck (The Buckblog) - Prim's algorithm
[5] Jamis Buck (The Buckblog) - Recursive backtracking algorithm
[6] Jamis Buck (The Buckblog) - Recursive division algorithm
[7] Wikipedia - Dead-end filling algorithm
[8] Wikipedia - Dijkstra's algorithm
[9] Wikipedia - Wall follower algorithm