The open source Anaconda Distribution is the fastest and easiest way to do Python, data science and machine learning on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. It's the industry standard for developing, testing, and training on a single machine.
Download and install the latest version:
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Python - Install Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, Spyder on Windows 10
- To create a new environment, type:
conda create -n ml27 python=2.7
- When conda asks you to proceed, type y:
proceed ([y]/n)?
- After this process, check if the environment was created. To see a list of all of your environments, run:
conda info --envs
- Activate the Environment. In your Anaconda Prompt, run:
(source) activate ml27
Use source if you are working on iOS or Linux, only.
In the Anaconda Prompt, run:
conda install pandas
conda install numpy
conda install time
conda install scipy
conda install scikit-learn
conda install jupyter notebook
conda install seaborn
In the Anaconda Prompt, run:
jupyter notebook
And navigate to the .ipynb file