Test cases live in your test code.
Generate test cases written to a html, xlsx or json
npm install testcase-doc -g
testcase-doc -h
Usage: testcase-doc [options]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-f, --file-pattern File pattern to match: e.g. tests/{API,Integ,E2E}/**/*.js [required]
--out Directory to write the report to [required] [default: "./testcases-report"]
--json Generate JSON testcases report
--html Generate HTML testcases report
--xlsx Generate XLSX testcases report
--cli Print testcases report to CLI
-c, --category Category to filter testcases by
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Example: testcase-doc -f "tests/{API,Integ,E2E}/**/*.js" --json --html --xlsx
Use the following comments inside the it() test block.
// tc-id: <an identifier for the testcase>
// tc-suite: <What Suite does it belong to?>
// tc-category: <Category test case belongs to, can belong to many categories>
// tc-category: <Category test case belongs to, can belong to many categories>
// tc-expected: <What do we expect from this test case. Can use multiple expects>
// tc-expected: <What do we expect from this test case. Can use multiple expects>
// tc-description: <Provide a more details description of the test case by default it will use the "describe">
// tc: <This is where you put the step, these can be multiple>
// tc: <This is where you put the step, these can be multiple>
// tc: <This is where you put the step, these can be multiple>
// tc: <This is where you put the step, these can be multiple>
describe("API Endpoints", { tags: "@SMOKE" }, () => {
context("GET", () => {
it("GET /endpoint1", () => {
// tc-suite: API v2
// tc: GET collections for endpoint /endpoint1
// tc: verify response has the following items
// tc: verify 10 items in response
// tc-category: API
// tc-category: featureA
// tc-expected: 10 items in response
// tc-expected: each item has id, name, and description
context("POST", () => {
it("POST /add", () => {
// tc-id: TC999
// tc: Add a new item to collection
// tc: verify new item has been added
//tc: Step name
console.log("Hello World");// tc: Step name, will match inline with code
console.log("Hello World");//tc: Step name, will not match
// tc-suite: API inline
// tc-category: API
// tc-category: featureA
it("POST /add/vehicle", () => {
// tc-id: TC998
// tc: Make request to / and get first element id
// tc: Add new vehicle to element id
// tc: verify new vehicle was added
// tc-description: POST /add/vehicle?id=100 with payload
// tc-category: featureA
// tc-category: API
// tc-expected: For new vehicle to be added