- Python >= 3.7
Modules and packages:
$ python3 pip install -r requirements.txt
Additional Functionality:
If you want to download and test your own video use /utils/yt_downloader.py that allows you to download any video from YouTube by providing the video id of the source video. Usage:
$ python3 utils/yt_downloader.py -yt_id "5L4DQfVIcdg" -o "./output/" -n "test.mp4"
First Step is to extract key video frames from video file:
$ python3 make_keyframes.py /path/to/video_file.mp4 int float /path/output
- int - sampling rate (x frames per framerate) - e.g. 12
- float - trimming length of the frame per second - e.g. 0.5
Second Step is forming summary from video and save it as a gif file.
$ python3 make_summary.py /path/to/video_file.mp4 int int /path/output
- int - sampling rate (x frames per framerate) - e.g. 12
- int - the percentage of the features for summary - e.g. 10% will form the output consisting of the 10% of the most important frames from the video.
Final Result: