Java client for the kubernetes API.
The Java client uses Semantic Versioning. We increment the major version number whenever we regenerate the client for a new Kubernetes release version (see table below). Whenever we do this there are new APIs added and possibly breaking changes in the generated Kubernetes API Stubs. Whenever you upgrade a major version, be prepared for potential breaking changes.
To install the Java client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
git clone --recursive
cd java
mvn install
Refer to the official documentation for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
compile 'io.kubernetes:client-java:9.0.0'
At first generate the JAR by executing:
git clone --recursive
cd java/kubernetes
mvn package
Then manually install the following JARs:
- target/client-java-api-10.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- target/lib/*.jar
We prepared a few examples for common use-cases which are shown below:
- Configuration:
- InClusterClientExample: Configure a client while running inside the Kubernetes cluster.
- KubeConfigFileClientExample: Configure a client to access a Kubernetes cluster from outside.
- Basics:
- SimpleExample: Simple minimum example of how to use the client.
- ProtoExample: Request/receive payloads in protobuf serialization protocol.
- (5.0.0+) PatchExample:
Patch resource objects in various supported patch formats, equal to
kubectl patch
. - FluentExample: Construct arbitrary resource in a fluent builder style.
- YamlExample: Suggested way to load or dump resource in Yaml.
- Streaming:
- WatchExample:
Subscribe watch events from certain resources, equal to
kubectl get <resource> -w
. - LogsExample:
Fetch logs from running containers, equal to
kubectl logs
. - ExecExample:
Establish an "exec" session with running containers, equal to
kubectl exec
. - PortForwardExample:
Maps local port to a port on the pod, equal to
kubectl port-forward
. - AttachExample:
Attach to a process that is already running inside an existing container, equal to
kubectl attach
. - CopyExample:
Copy files and directories to and from containers, equal to
kubectl cp
. - WebSocketsExample: Establish an arbitrary web-socket session to certain resources.
- WatchExample:
Subscribe watch events from certain resources, equal to
- Advanced: (NOTE: The following example requires
module)- (5.0.0+) InformerExample: Build an informer which list-watches resources and reflects the notifications to a local cache.
- (5.0.0+) PagerExample: Support Pagination (only for the list request) to ease server-side loads/network congestion.
- (6.0.0+) ControllerExample: Build a controller reconciling the state of world by list-watching one or multiple resources.
- (6.0.0+) LeaderElectionExample: Leader election utilities to help implement HA controllers.
- (9.0.0+) SpringIntegrationControllerExample: Building a kubernetes controller based on spring framework's bean injection.
- (9.0.0+) GenericKubernetesClientExample: Construct a generic client interface for any kubernetes types, including CRDs.
list all pods:
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiClient;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.Configuration;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.apis.CoreV1Api;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1Pod;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1PodList;
import io.kubernetes.client.util.Config;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ApiException{
ApiClient client = Config.defaultClient();
CoreV1Api api = new CoreV1Api();
V1PodList list = api.listPodForAllNamespaces(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
for (V1Pod item : list.getItems()) {
watch on namespace object:
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiClient;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.Configuration;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.apis.CoreV1Api;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1Namespace;
import io.kubernetes.client.util.Config;
import io.kubernetes.client.util.Watch;
public class WatchExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ApiException{
ApiClient client = Config.defaultClient();
CoreV1Api api = new CoreV1Api();
Watch<V1Namespace> watch = Watch.createWatch(
api.listNamespaceCall(null, null, null, null, null, 5, null, null, Boolean.TRUE, null, null),
new TypeToken<Watch.Response<V1Namespace>>(){}.getType());
for (Watch.Response<V1Namespace> item : watch) {
System.out.printf("%s : %s%n", item.type, item.object.getMetadata().getName());
More examples can be found in examples folder. To run examples, run this command:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="io.kubernetes.client.examples.Example"
All APIs and Models' documentation can be found at the Generated client's docs
client version | 1.12 | 1.13 | 1.14 | 1.15 | 1.16 | 1.17 |
4.0.0 | ✓ | - | - | - | - | - |
5.0.0 | + | ✓ | - | - | - | - |
6.0.1 | + | + | ✓ | - | - | - |
7.0.0 | + | + | + | ✓ | - | - |
8.0.2 | + | + | + | + | ✓ | - |
9.0.0 | + | + | + | + | + | ✓ |
Exactly the same features / API objects in both java-client and the Kubernetes version.+
java-client has features or api objects that may not be present in the Kubernetes cluster, but everything they have in common will work.-
The Kubernetes cluster has features the java-client library can't use (additional API objects, etc).
See the CHANGELOG for a detailed description of changes between java-client versions.
Please see for instructions on how to contribute.
Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the CNCF Code of Conduct.
The code is generated by the openapi-generator project.
We have built general purpose cross-language tools for generating code, it is hosted in the kubernetes-client/gen repository.
To get started, in a root directory that is not your java
client directory, for example your
directory layout could be:
Then to clone the gen
repository, you would run:
cd ${HOME}/src
git clone
export GEN_ROOT=${PWD}
Then to update the client and run the formatter:
cd ${HOME}/src/java
${GEN_ROOT}/gen/openapi/ kubernetes ./settings
./mvnw spotless:apply
This should run through a long-ish build process involving docker
and eventually result in a new set of
generated code in the kubernetes