A Tumblr Theme generator for Yeoman that allows you to create a theme for Tumblr.
First install Yeoman globally
$ npm install -g yo
To install generator-tumblr-theme from npm, run:
$ npm install -g generator-tumblr-theme
Create a theme project folder
$ mkdir my-theme && cd my-theme
Finally, initiate the generator:
$ yo tumblr-theme
This will expand the themer scripts and assets into your theme project directory
By default generator-tumblr-theme uses http://tumblrthemr.tumblr.com as it's content source. In order to use your own blog as a source of test content, you need to convert an existing tumblr blog to XML.
Copy and paste the content of this tumblr theme file to your blog's theme editor https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ffffranklin/tumblrthemr-xml-theme/master/xml.tumblr
When you visit your tumblr blog you should see an rendered XML
Configure your tumbler themer to use your new source by entering in a content source when you initially run the generator.
You can always update the config file, post generation, here:
$ cat app/themr/javascripts/tumblr-themr-1.0.config.js
var themrConf = { url: 'myblog.tumblr.com', theme: 'theme' };
Now your Tumblr Theme will render in your themer app
Recent changes can be viewed on Github on the Releases Page