Library to get the meta informations of a web page and embed its content.
Typically what happens when you post a video on Facebook or Twitter.
Command line:
$ python { 'default': { 'desc': 'SERJ TANKIAN PERFORMING HONKING ANTELOPE Ft APO(AUCKLAND PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA) HD QUALITY "ELECT THE DEAD SYMPHONY" DVD RIP{2010}', 'title': u'Serj Tankian - Honking Antelope {Elect The Dead Symphony} (HD/DVD Quality) - YouTube'}, 'global': { 'desc': 'SERJ TANKIAN PERFORMING HONKING ANTELOPE Ft APO(AUCKLAND PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA) HD QUALITY "ELECT THE DEAD SYMPHONY" DVD RIP{2010}', 'picture_height': 360, 'picture_url': '', 'picture_width': 480, 'title': 'Serj Tankian - Honking Antelope {Elect The Dead Symphony} (HD/DVD Quality)', 'video_height': '720', 'video_url': '', 'video_width': '960'}, 'oembed': { u'author_name': u'ObeyYourSysteM', u'author_url': u'', u'height': 344, u'html': u'<iframe width="459" height="344" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>', u'provider_name': u'YouTube', u'provider_url': u'', u'thumbnail_height': 360, u'thumbnail_url': u'', u'thumbnail_width': 480, u'title': u'Serj Tankian - Honking Antelope {Elect The Dead Symphony} (HD/DVD Quality)', u'type': u'video', u'version': u'1.0', 'video_url': '', u'width': 459}, 'opengraph': { 'desc': 'SERJ TANKIAN PERFORMING HONKING ANTELOPE Ft APO(AUCKLAND PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA) HD QUALITY "ELECT THE DEAD SYMPHONY" DVD RIP{2010}', 'picture_url': '', 'title': 'Serj Tankian - Honking Antelope {Elect The Dead Symphony} (HD/DVD Quality)', 'video_height': '720', 'video_url': '', 'video_width': '960'}, 'twitter': { 'desc': 'SERJ TANKIAN PERFORMING HONKING ANTELOPE Ft APO(AUCKLAND PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA) HD QUALITY "ELECT THE DEAD SYMPHONY" DVD RIP{2010}', 'picture_url': '', 'title': 'Serj Tankian - Honking Antelope {Elect The Dead Symphony} (HD/DVD Quality)', 'video_height': '720', 'video_url': '', 'video_width': '960'}}
You should use the 'global' values which are a copy of what's available in the different backends unless you want the information provided for a specific format/platform.
To use it in your code, you can do:
from embeder import embed data = embed.get('')
- the default backend retrieves the title and the description metatag of the page
- the oembed backend retrieves some oembed informations:
- the opengraph backend retrieves some opengraph metatags:
- the twitter backend retrieves some of the twitter metatags: