Configures a collectd with a few roles
/etc/collectd.d/ directory
Example for how to add more plugins and how to configure them when using the apache encoder style.
Want to configure collectd to ship metrics with the collectd protocol with a username/password and set graphite prefix? Set this:
collectd_tsdb_writer: False collectd_network_server: True # There is another prefix example in defaults/main.yml collectd_prefix_rules: - name: generic_prefix regexp: "^hpc\\.clustername\\." invert_match: True prefix: "hpc.clustername." stop: False collectd_plugins_processes: "" collectd_plugins_network: - options: - LoadPlugin: network - sections: - name: Plugin param: network content: - options: - Forward: True - sections: - name: Server param: "{{ collectd_network_server_host }}" content: - options: - SecurityLevel: Encrypt - Username: "{{ collectd_username }}" - Password: "{{ collectd_password }}" # collectd_plugins_custom: "{{ collectd_plugins_aggregation + collectd_plugins_cpufreq + collectd_plugins_exec + collectd_plugins_network }}"
External IPMI scripts
This role fetches a few scripts from other github repos for IPMI statistics. If you set "collectd_force_geturl: True" then this role will re-download those scripts if they already exists.
With collectd_drop_rsyslog_spam True we install an rsyslog.d/ file that drops "value has been dispatche d" syslog messages from the exec plugin.
Some ideas borrowed from and that role uses the apache_encoder_macro.j2 from picotrading -
ansible 2.0 (because checksum= with get_url: module)
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: ansible-role-collectd }
version v2.0.0 of this role will fail if variable collectd_set_graphite_prefix is defined. Github issues #10 and #12