erljwt is a easy to use json web token [JWT] parsing and minting library. JWT is a simple authorization token RFC7519 based on JSON.
erljwt uses the jsone library for json parsing.
supported algorithm (the atom to use)
- none (none)
- RS256 (rs256)
- RS384 (rs384)
- RS512 (rs512)
- HS256 (hs256)
- HS384 (hs384)
- HS512 (hs512)
- ES256 (es256)
- ES384 (es384)
- ES512 (es512)
make eunit
In Erlang shell:
%% Create JWT token
Key = <<"53F61451CAD6231FDCF6859C6D5B88C1EBD5DC38B9F7EBD990FADD4EB8EB9063">>.
Claims = {[
{user_id, <<"bob123">>},
{user_name, <<"Bob">>}
ExpirationSeconds = 86400,
Token = erljwt:create(hs256, Claims, ExpirationSeconds, Key).
%% validate JWT token
erljwt:validate(Token, [hs256], #{}, Key).
You get back the original claims ,plus expiration claim and the header and signature:
#{ claims =>
#{<<"exp">> => 1392607527,
<<"user_id">> => <<"bob123">>,
<<"user_name">> => <<"Bob">>
header => #{...},
signature => <<"lnmmaen....">>