An U2F Token implementation based on JavaCard This U2F Token: cannot pass the NFC self-conformance test in the phase: "U2F_REGISTER, Short APDU, Change BlockSize", as it doesn't handle the situation which Le(BlockSize) is not 256 bytes. My implementation can handle of this case nicely and pass the test.
- Complie this Applet and upload to the JavaCard(>3.0)
- Set the attestation certificate(with Extended APDU, CLA:F0, INS:01, P1,P2:00, Lc:000119):
/send f0010000000119308201153081bc020900c5f4ee4c59503e05300a06082a8648ce3d04030230133111300f0603550403130859616e675a686f75301e170d3135313230393037303435385a170d3136313230383037303435385a30133111300f0603550403130859616e675a686f753059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d03010703420004729a71d08162428492f2d961924d37443a4f1bda580f8aea2920d2997cbea43960ce729e35c1f74092f2250e6074823fc57f3360b7cd3969c3c3125ece265c29300a06082a8648ce3d0403020348003045022100e767fa941035d5853d52d87d671470bc763bc5b12e1d4577ea9f8ca674e59d3902203fe11cad59f53576001f15ee05da8746fed3276b16829e9d5efdff705e089c6d
- Set the attestation private key(CLA:F0, INS:02, P1,P2:00):
/send f0020000#(4cc7cf68911896c8e2f9c8cc2f7f0aa21c6acbba381c109afe9118f6cad90f0b)
- Please access the NFC self-conformance test tool here:
- Download the newly Android Google Authenticator
- Open or with the newly Android chrome.
- Do the Register and Authenticate
- The authenticate private key is stored in the SE, as there is enough memory to hold thousands of keys.
- The key handle consists with index(first 2 bytes) of the authenticate private key and Sha-256 appid(left 32 bytes)
- The database which stores anthenticate private keys can not increase dynamicly now.
- I also want to implement a "wrapped" key handle rather than storing the authenticate private key locally in SE.