A CMake project directory tree generator for c++
This script generates a C/C++ project directory tree ready to go. It provides boilerplates that demonstrate how to link your different modules/application/unit test modules together and with external dependencies.
This script can also generate projects that links to googletest, boost, boost unit test framework and openssl. It provides those who aren't very familiar with CMake syntax with a project directory tree redy to go.
Inside the script file bootstrap_cpp_project.sh, you can configure the following parameters of your project:
#Look in the default system installation path.
use_boost=y #y/n
use_openssl=y #y/n
#If you choose Boost Test, you must set use_boost=y
use_google_test=y #y/n
use_boost_test=y #y/n
Execute the script passing the project name as argument:
$ ./bootstrap_cpp_project.sh my_project
This is the directory tree generated
├── app
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── app
| ├── CMakeLists.txt
| └── app_template.cpp
├── benchmark
| ├── CMakeLists.txt
| └── benchmark_template.cpp
├── build
├── src
| ├── CMakeLists.txt
| └── template
| | ├── CMakeLists.txt
| | ├── module_template.h
| | └── module_template.cpp
├── tests
| ├── CMakeLists.txt
| └── template
| | ├── CMakeLists.txt
| | ├── template_boosttest.cpp
| | ├── test_noframework_template.cpp
| | └── template_gtest.cpp
To build the template poject, execute the following commands in the folder build:
$ cd my_project/build && cmake ../ && make