Please read the questions below and provide your answers in a separate document. You will have 7 days to submit the task. If you need an extension, please email us to explain the situation.
Please create a private repository for the documentation and invite us: @n1tsi, @bbednarek. We'll try to get back to you within 24 hours of your submission.
Deadline: 7 days
Topic: Technical Writing
Please answer the following questions:
- Technical writing: Produce a technical description of 2FA (two factor authentication). Please include:
- Introduction and/ or summary section,
- One or two sample topic sections,
- Outline of the structure of the rest of the document.
Please indicate the intended audience for your writing and briefly identify how you made it relevant for that audience (max. 2000 words).
- Analysis: Please review Zizy docs and identify the ways in which it can be improved. The documentation is for a service finmid is using to fetch merchant logos for card transactions.