Educenter is a Hugo theme designed specifically for educational websites. This sleek theme is packed with all the elements that you need to show info about your school, courses, instructors, announcements, and more.
- Multiple language support (Fr, En)
- Google analytics support
- CSS and Js bundle with hugo pipe
- Netlify settings predefine
- Forestry cms pre-configured
- Multiple author available
- Contact form Support
- Mailchimp integrate
- GDPR consent enable
- Google map support
- Top header customization
- Taxonomy or category
- Google page speed optimized
- Open graph meta tag
- Twitter card meta tag
# clone the repository
git clone
# cd in the project directory
$ cd educenter-hugo/exampleSite/
# Start local dev server
$ hugo server --themesDir ../..
Or Check out Full Documentation.
This project has been pre-configured to work with Forestry a git-based CMS, import your repository in Forestry and you will be able to edit and preview your site ✨.
Any changes you make in Forestry will be committed back to the repo and deployed if you use Netlify.
Follow the steps.
Build your website with Educenter Hugo theme by following these easy steps (No Coding Required!) Video Tutorial.
We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the Educenter Template. Please Search existing issues. Someone may have already reported the same problem. If your problem or idea has not been addressed yet, feel free to open a new issue.
Are you using Educenter Hugo theme? Submit it to our showcase.
Our showcase aims to demonstrate to the world what amazing websites people like you have created utilizing our Hugo themes and to show that Hugo has tremendous capabilities as a Static Site Generator.
View all the websites powered by Educenter Hugo from here.
Submit your Educenter Hugo powered website.
Copyright © Designed by Themefisher & Developed by Gethugothemes
Code License: Released under the MIT license.
Image license: The images are only for demonstration purposes. They have their licenses. We don't have permission to share those images.
Besides developing unique, blazing-fast Hugo themes, we also provide customized services. We specialize in creating affordable, high-quality static websites based on Hugo.
If you need to customize the theme or complete website development from scratch, you can hire us. Check Our Services
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