FastXirr is a high-performance Ruby gem for calculating the Extended Internal Rate of Return (XIRR). It leverages C under the hood for rapid calculations, making it suitable for performance-critical applications.
- Fast XIRR calculations using efficient algorithms
- Implemented in C for high performance
- Easy to use Ruby interface
- Includes both Brent's method and Bisection method for robust root-finding
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fast_xirr'
And then execute:
bundle install
gem install fast_xirr
To calculate the XIRR for a series of cash flows, use the calculate method:
require 'fast_xirr'
require 'date'
cashflows = [
[1000,, 1, 1)],
[-600,, 1, 1)],
[-6000,, 1, 1)]
result = FastXirr.calculate(cashflows: cashflows)
puts "XIRR: #{result}"
# => XIRR: 0.22568401743016633
If it is not possible to find a solution, the method will return nan
require 'fast_xirr'
require 'date'
result = FastXirr.calculate(cashflows: [[1000,, 1, 1)]])
puts "XIRR: #{result}"
# => XIRR: NaN
# => true
Tolerance can be set to a custom value (default is 1e-7), as well as the maximum number of iterations (default is 1e10). You can also specify the initial bracket interval for Brent's method (default is [-0.3, 10.0]) to help the algorithm converge in specific ranges. If the algorith doesn't converge, it will expand the brackets to [0.999, 100.0].
require 'fast_xirr'
require 'date'
cashflows = [
[1000,, 1, 1)],
[-600,, 1, 1)],
[-6000,, 1, 1)]
result = FastXirr.calculate(cashflows: cashflows, tol: 1e-2, max_iter: 100)
puts "XIRR: #{result}"
# => XIRR: 0.22305878076614422
result = FastXirr.calculate(cashflows: cashflows, tol: 1e-8, max_iter: 2)
puts "XIRR: #{result}"
# => XIRR: NaN
# You can also specify the initial bracket (search interval) for Brent's method
result = FastXirr.calculate(
cashflows: cashflows,
initial_bracket: [-0.5, 5.0]
puts "XIRR: #{result}"
# => XIRR: 0.22568333743016633
To build the gem from the source code, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd fast_xirr
Build the Gem:
gem build fast_xirr.gemspec
This will create a
file in the directory, such asfast_xirr-1.x.x.gem
. -
Install the Gem Locally:
gem install ./fast_xirr*.gem
To run the tests, follow these steps:
Install Development Dependencies:
bundle install
Run the Tests:
rake test
This will run the test suite using RSpec.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.