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Extract Dyson Sphere Program star systems information from a screenshot to Google Spreadsheet with Amazon Textract

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Star systems info extractor for Dyson Sphere Program

This tool will automagically convert a table with information about a celestial body to a plain text table in a Google Document.

Common prerequisites

  • AWS account and credentials for use of AWS Textract
  • Google Developer app with Google Sheets API enabled and OAuth configured
    • Redirect URL of the app should point to the GET /access endpoint of the configured server
  • Dedicated Google Spreadsheet for writing

Docker prerequisites

  • Docker (optionally with docker-compose) installed and working

Docker setup

  • Download the application code and build the container with docker build -t dsp-textract .
  • Create a persistent local directory to be mounted to the container.
    • For docker-compose, this directory must be named config.local/, this name is recommended
  • Optionally create a persistent log directory which will be mapped to log directory in the container
    • For docker-compose, this directory is named log
  • Copy config/config.local.neon.template from the source code to config.local.neon in the local config directory
  • Point sheet_client_config and sheet_token_config parameters in config.local.neon to files in config.local/ directory
  • Set up remaining parameters in config.local.neon file
  • Start the container
    • Either with docker-compose
      • The application will be exposed on port 8080
    • Or with docker run where you point your local config directory to config.local in the container.
      • The server in the container runs on port 8080, point wherever you like

Manual prerequisites

  • A server capable of serving PHP pages, PHP 8, composer

Manual setup

  • Install composer dependencies
  • Create log, temp/cache directories
  • Set up the server to point to the public directory of the app
  • Copy config/config.local.neon.template to config/config.local.neon and fill with information
    • sheet_client_config is a path to Google app config json.
      • Example value can be %root_dir%/config/credentials.json
    • Other options should be self-explanatory
    • %root_dir% can be used to point to the root directory of the app

Using the app

  • Set up Google Docs access token by visiting the GET /access endpoint on the configured server
  • Send your screenshots to the POST /document endpoint of the configured server
    • The endpoint expects a single POST field of name dataurl with Base64-encoded data-url of the image


  • It is necessary to provide just a cropped screenshot of the details table, otherwise the result is uncertain
  • Very useful tool for this can be CloudShot along with my Generic API Upload Plugin which send exactly the data the app expects


  • Each solar system will have a separate sheet in the document
  • Each star and planet of the system will take two columns with two empty columns on the right for notes
    • The order of bodies on the sheet is Star/Giant/Black hole and then orbiting bodies I-V
  • On subsequent screenshots of the same object table, the data of the object will be overwritten

Example Google Spreadsheet from my current playthrough.


  • The app is configured for production mode
  • To switch the app to a development mode, create a .dev file in the local config directory
  • Warning: development mode may leak source code and credentials. Only local use is encouraged. Use domain which points to for oauth redirect url and/or the whole app.


Extract Dyson Sphere Program star systems information from a screenshot to Google Spreadsheet with Amazon Textract



