ognom-toolkit is a set of utilities, functions and tests with the goal of making the life of MongoDB/TokuMX administrators easier.
ognom stands for mongo spelled backwards, with the following advantages:
- it does not infringe any trademarks
- it shares the name with http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0016326
- it sounds like it could have been part of the title of a Barret-era Pink Floyd song
"lab" contains bash scripts and functions to help you quickly start/stop test MongoDB topologies.
"load_generators" contains basic load generators to run against mongod
"mongo-summary" is a pt-mysql-summary inspired tool for MongoDB
"slowlog-generators" contains utilities to generate fake MySQL slow query logs with MongoDB traffic, that can then be used with pt-query-digest for workload analysis
"utils" contains small scripts that (for now) don't fall on any specific category.