Book, a simple Jekyll theme. Demo
- Responsive layout and mobile first
- Customized 404 page
- Footer link is the back-home link
- fork the repo.
- clone
git clone
- run
jekyll serve -w
http://localhost:4000 should be ready.
- title: site name
- description: site description
- url: site url
- avatar: absolute path of avatar which is a picture (140px * 140px) on the index page.
- favicon: absolute path of site favicon
- google_analytics: id for google analystics
- disqus_shortname: shortname of disque comment system
- about: content on the about page.
you can write more than one paragraph but the format should be like the original one.
the special word
will be replaced by one of the links which are listed under links.
Please do not delete the first two lines of style.css file.
If you like it, star it.
If you have a problem, github issue is ready.
The following open sources have been used in this project.