Hi there, I'm fireinrain 🎉
- 👔 Pronouns: "He" | "His"
- 🧑🏻💻 Programmer
- 🌏 Open-source software developer
- ⚡ Java, Python, Go, Rust, Kotlin, Js...
A golang lib to help you to get openai access token and refresh the token(一个golang sdk,帮助你更容易的获取openai chatgpt的accessToken :)
A golang library to use cloudflare speed test function. use it in your own golang project(一个使用cloudflare ip速度测试功能的golang库。可以在自己的golang项目中使用)
A telegram bot that help you to get latest javbus film information easily
A tool for download asmr media from asmr.one(Thanks for the asmr.one)
A GUI tool to help you to make your vmess/vless/trojan node to more nodes with cloudflare/gcore/cloudfront cdn.