An amazing operating system
To get this operating system up and running, you need to follow the steps here. It's super easy, I promise.
Install Nasm to be able to assemble the project. This is needed regardless of where you would like to run the OS.
sudo apt-get install build-essential nasm
Run the build script
Follow this instruction if you want to boot it on your computer, which is obviously the best choice. Or in VirtualBox if you're totally lame and don't know if camos is for you.
Create an .iso
mkisofs -o bootloader.iso -b bootloader.flp .
That's it. Now you can burn it as a CD image and boot it from your CD drive. Or well, not burn it and use VirtualBox.
Install Qemu
sudo apt-get install build-essential qemu
Boot camos
qemu-system-i386 -fda camos.flp
You will now be welcomed into your shiny, new OS. Camos supports typing characters from your keyboard infinitely many times. If you make a typo, just press enter for a fresh start! Type 'q' to quit typing.
- bootloader.asm shamelessly stolen from the MikeOS project