A tool for verifying the quorum intersection property of the stellar network. It accepts data in JSON format compatible with https://www.stellarbeat.io/nodes/raw . Use --help parameter to see available options. WARNING: the problem of finding disjoint quorums in stellar's network configuration is NP-hard.
Details of the algorithm can be found here: https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.06493
Tools and libraries required to build this project:
- g++ 5.4.0
- boost_graph 1.58.0
- boost_log 1.58.0
- boost_program_options 1.58.0
- cmake 3.5.1
mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake ../;
cmake --build .;
curl "https://www.stellarbeat.io/nodes/raw" | ./quorum_intersection -v
Expected Output:
'true' if all quorums of a given configuration intersect. 'false' otherwise..