key-value storage implemented by SQLite
install this library to your local maven repository
sh gradlew clean uploadArchives
add the following dependency entry to your build.gradle
compile 'jp.fkmsoft.libs:sqlite-kvs:1.+'
extends KVSImpl with your data class.
public class JsonKVS extends KVSImpl<JSONObject> {
private static final String CHARSET = "utf-8";
protected JsonKVS(Context context, String dbName) {
super(context, dbName);
protected JSONObject createFromBlob(byte[] bytes) {
try {
String body = new String(bytes, CHARSET);
return new JSONObject(body);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return new JSONObject();
} catch (JSONException e2) {
return new JSONObject();
protected byte[] toBytes(JSONObject value) {
try {
return value.toString().getBytes(CHARSET);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return new byte[0];
use in your code.
// json1, json2 is JSONObject
KVS<JSONObject> kvs = new JsonKVS(getContext(), "appUser");
kvs.put("key1", json1);
kvs.put("key2", json2);
// commit changes
// gey by key
JSONObject data = kvs.get("key1");
JSONObject data2 = kvs.get("unknownKey");
assert data2 == null;
// close database