This plugin syncs secrets with the correct annotation from the host cluster into the vcluster. It is based on
For more information how to develop plugins in vcluster and a complete walk through, please refer to the official vcluster docs.
To use the plugin, create a new vcluster with the plugin.yaml
# Use public plugin.yaml
vcluster create my-vcluster -n my-vcluster -f
This will create a new vcluster with the plugin installed. After that, wait for vcluster to start up and create a secret in the host cluster:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: mysecret
namespace: my-vcluster
com.flanksource/vcluster-sync: "true"
data: dmVyeQ==
special.type: Y2hhcm0=
# Check if the secret was synced to the host cluster
vcluster connect my-vcluster -n my-vcluster -- kubectl get secrets
The secret is deployed into the vcluster's default namespace, this can be
environment variable for all synced
value: dest-ns-inside-vcluster
Alternatively, the annotation com.flanksource/vcluster-namespace
can be used
to specify a namespace to sync to. The plugin will not create this namespace if
it doesn't exist. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that it exists.
To just build the plugin image and push it to the registry, run:
# Build
docker build . -t flanksource/vcluster-sync-host-secrets:0.0.1
# Push
docker push flanksource/vcluster-sync-host-secrets:0.0.1
Then exchange the image in the plugin.yaml
General vcluster plugin project structure:
├── go.mod # Go module definition
├── go.sum
├── devspace.yaml # Development environment definition
├── # Development entrypoint script
├── Dockerfile # Production Dockerfile
├── # Development Dockerfile
├── main.go # Go Entrypoint
├── plugin.yaml # Plugin Helm Values
├── syncers/ # Plugin Syncers
└── constants/ # Plugin constants configuration
Before starting to develop, make sure you have installed the following tools on your computer:
- docker
- kubectl with a valid kube context configured
- helm, which is used to deploy vcluster and the plugin
- vcluster CLI v0.6.0 or higher
- DevSpace, which is used to spin up a development environment
- Go programming language build tools
If you want to develop within a remote Kubernetes cluster (as opposed to
docker-desktop or minikube), make sure to exchange PLUGIN_IMAGE
in the
with a valid registry path you can push to.
After successfully setting up the tools, start the development environment with:
devspace dev -n vcluster
After a while a terminal should show up with additional instructions. Enter the following command to start the plugin:
go run -mod vendor main.go
The output should look something like this:
I0124 11:20:14.702799 4185 logr.go:249] plugin: Try creating context...
I0124 11:20:14.730044 4185 logr.go:249] plugin: Waiting for vcluster to become leader...
I0124 11:20:14.731097 4185 logr.go:249] plugin: Starting syncers...
I0124 11:20:15.957331 4185 logr.go:249] plugin: Successfully started plugin.
You can now change a file locally in your IDE and then restart the command in the terminal to apply the changes to the plugin.
Delete the development environment with:
devspace purge -n vcluster
Example unit tests can be executed with:
go test ./...
The source code of the example tests can be found in the
It is using the vcluster-sdk/syncer/testing
package for easier testing of the syncers.