A package and generic url caching proxy using only nginx
supercacher is an nginx caching proxy for pypi, npm, apt and generic urls. It can be used to cache package installs close to the home to speed up pipelines, local machine install and deployments.
supercacher is build only using nginx config and heavily uses the nginx proxy module.
The ports used are as followed:
Port | Service |
8080 |
PyPi Caching Proxy |
8081 |
NPM Caching Proxy |
8082 |
APT Caching Proxy |
8083 |
Generic Url Cache |
To build the docker container, run:
docker build -t supercacher:latest --no-cache .
To run the docker container locally, please run:
docker run \
-p 80:8080 \
-p 81:8081 \
-p 82:8082 \
-p 83:8083 \
-ti supercacher:latest
To install the supercacher proxy as a helm chart:
docker build -t supercacher:latest . --no-cache
if helm ls -a | grep -q ^supercacher; then
helm delete supercacher || true
helm upgrade \
supercacher \
charts/supercacher \
--install \
--values charts/supercacher/config/local/values.yaml
kubectl wait pod \
--selector statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name=supercacher-0 \
--for=condition=ready \
kubectl port-forward svc/supercacher 8080:8080 8081:8081 8082:8082 8083:8083
This nginx config provides caching endpoints for several services.
The apt proxy provides package caching for several repostories:
- ubuntu
- ubuntu-security
- debian
- debian-security
- alpine
Additional endpoints for other package repositories can be added easily.
$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources
Types: deb
URIs: http://<yourservice>/debian
Suites: bookworm bookworm-updates
Components: main
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg
Types: deb
URIs: https://apt.<yourservice>/debian-security
Suites: bookworm-security
Components: main
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg
For Debian:
# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb https://apt.<yourservice>/debian/ bookworm main contrib non-free contrib non-free-firmware
deb https://apt.<yourservice>/debian/ bookworm-updates main contrib non-free
deb https://apt.<yourservice>/debian-security bookworm-security main contrib non-free
For Ubuntu:
# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb https://apt.<yourservice>/ubuntu/ jammy main contrib non-free contrib non-free-firmware
deb https://apt.<yourservice>/ubuntu/ jammy-updates main contrib non-free
deb https://apt.<yourservice>/ubuntu-security jammy-security main contrib non-free
More info: https://wiki.debian.org/SourcesList
For alpine you can set the caching service as the registry on the command line and in configuration. To do this, use:
For config, edit the /etc/apk/repositories
file and add our cache as the main
On the command line, use:
apk \
--no-cache \
--repository https://yourservice/alpine/v3.13/main \
--repository https://yourservice/alpine/v3.13/community
add package1 package2 ... package10
More info: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_Package_Keeper
The pipy proxy provides a local caching proxy for python packages installed from pypi.org and pythonhosted.org.
To tell pip to connect to this instead of pypi.org, use:
pip install --index-url=https://pypi.<yourservice>/simple mypy
export PIP_INDEX_URL=https://pypi.<yourservice>/simple
pip install mypy
For poetry to work with an external registry only in pipelines, but not on local
laptops, use the following configuration in pyproject.toml
to make pypi explicit:
name = "PyPI"
priority = "primary"
Then in your CI pipeline, you can override this using:
poetry config repositories.pypi https://yourservice:8080/simple/
On port 8083 a generic url proxy is available that can be used for large file downloads and other generic off-site downloads that should be cached locally for multiple downloads in a short amount of time.
This can reduce the bandwidth usage a lot.
To use it, connect to the proxy setting the 'Host:` header to the domain you want to retrieve..
For this to work, the upstream service needs to have https enabled, as this proxy forces connections over ssl for security reasons.
To use it, set the url and the host of the download you want to cache on the local cacher:
curl --header 'Host: www.google.com' http://yourservice:8083/some/remote/url.html
The yarn and npm cache proxy service can be used for installing packages for the javascript and nodejs ecosystem.
Set via CLI:
npm config set registry https://npm.<yourservice>/
Set via Environment Variable:
Set Project or User specific config
echo 'registry = "https://npm.<yourservice>/"' > ~/.npmrc
Set through yarn config:
# Yarn 1 yarn config set registry https://npm.<yourservice>/ # Yarn 2 yarn config set npmRegistryServer https://npm.<yourservice>/
Set through environment variable:
Project or User specific config:
echo 'registry = "https://npm.<yourservice>/"' > ~/.yarnrc