This is the repository where all the lecture notes and resources will live. We will also be using this repo to publish checkpoints during the intensive period.
We will be going over these instructions plenty of times in class as well.
FORK this repository, creating a copy on your own GitHub account
Then clone your fork down to your local computer
git clone[yourusername]/DS-Deloitte-070723.git
- Add the /flatiron-school/ version as the upstream (to pull future changes)
git remote add upstream
- You can make changes to the notebooks now! Remember to push your changes to your forked version of the repo (to put your local changes up online):
git add [filename]
git commit -m 'message here'
git push
- Grab the changes from the upstream repo
git fetch upstream
- Merge new changes onto your local repo
git merge upstream/main -m "meaningful message about what you're updating"