NOTE: I develop on main because I live dangerously. Documentation might be out of sync -- please use the release versions as the API is currently in a state of flux.
An adaptive fast function approximator based on tree search. Word salad aside, baobzi
is a
tool to convert very CPU intensive function calculations into relatively cheap ones (at the
cost of memory). This is similar to functions like chebeval
, but can be
significantly faster since the order of the polynomial fit can be much much lower to meet
similar tolerances. It also isn't constrained for use only in MATLAB
Internally, baobzi
represents your function by a grid of binary/quad/oct/N trees, where the
leaves represent the function in some small sub-box of the function's domain with chebyshev
polynomials. When you evaluate your function at a point with baobzi, it searches the tree for
the box containing your point and evaluates using this approximant.
- Example use cases
- Limitations
- Features
- Quick install
- Building/testing
- Input parameters
- Running with...
- Environment
- Including in your CMake project
- Roadmap
- Why the name?
- Build complicated or high computational cost function in higher level language. Build a
function and use it as a drop in replacement to your function. Reap speed benefits. - Take prior function, export it, and use it in a higher performance language: production or prototype.
- Your favorite
function not supported innumba
yet? Usebaobzi
instead of porting that function.
- Can use a lot of memory... especially on oscillatory or rapidly changing functions. If your function is periodic, fit your function on one period. Transform the function if necessary.
- Not suited around singularities. Just don't do it. Use multiple
objects around your singularity if necessary. - Doesn't do any bounds checking. It is up to the user to sanitize input.
- Relative language agnosticism. The library has a simple C interface, which is then bound to multiple languages (C/C++, Fortran, Python, Julia, MATLAB). This means you can make a heavy duty function in MATLAB, interpolate it there, and then call it from another language of your choice.
- CPU dispatch -- baobzi will detect your CPU and run an optimized codepath based on that -- no intervention by the user.
- No library dependencies. All code necessary to build
is inbaobzi
. There is an optional static library supported for building C/C++ codes where you don't want to load in the sharedbaobzi
object, but would rather throw it right in your binary. See Including in your CMake project.
# create a virtualenv if you want
# I advise --system-site-packages when file quotas can a problem
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install baobzi
Or with conda
# create a conda environment, if you want
conda create -y -n baobzi
conda activate baobzi
pip install baobzi
Baobzi's only dependencies are cmake >= 3.14, and a C/C++17 compiler (gcc only really, currently). I get the best performance out of g++-11 right now. While there is a header only library for C++, it can be quite finicky. Therefore, for optimal performance, I currently suggest using the C shared/static library interface with gcc rather than the C++ header directly. See examples/C/baobzi_timing.c for an example. On my Xeon Gold 6128 using one core, this example gets roughly 20M evals/s on a simple 2D example, and 3M evals/s on a simple 3D example.
# At FI -- module load gcc cmake matlab
export BAOBZI_ROOT=$HOME/local/baobzi
git clone --recursive
cd baobzi
mkdir build
cd build
# Don't supply -march!!! Builds with CPU dispatch
make -j $((2*$(nproc)))
make install
Baobzi only has a few input parameters, but they can greatly impact the performance and are worth playing with for your specific function.
- input structure parameters
: Function you want to be approximated -
: Number of independent variables to your function. -
: Polynomial order used to represent a chunk of your function. Higher order is slower, especially in higher dimensions. An evaluation, ignoring search/cache issues, takesO(ORDER^DIM)
time. Search isn't free though, andbaobzi
typically needs fewer subdivisions for higher orders, so your function might be faster and use less memory if you use a higher order. -
: This parameter is only relevant to C/C++/Fortran. If the function you're fitting takes parameters, pack that somehow, anddata
is simply a pointer to that packed info. See examples. -
: The maximum desired relative error between your function and the approximant. It is impossible to guarantee that all function evaluations will meet this tolerance, so it's important to test the results on the domain you're interested in to ensure that results are to your satisfaction. -
: Baobzi internally is represented by a tree. However, to speed up tree lookups, that tree is divided into subtrees that start at some depth. That depth, by default, is one above the first level to have a "leaf." A leaf is a terminal box where the function evaluation happens (other nodes just contain pointers to their children). This scheme can adversely impact performance in some cases though (such as cases where only one node on a level is a leaf). This parameter sets a requirement that baobzi keeps subdividing entire levels when the fraction of leaves on a given level is less than this threshold.An easy way to think about this is if the parameter is
, then baobzi will never make a leaf node a parent node, and the tree will be as small as possible (but not necessarily well balanced). If the parameter is1.0
, then baobzi will ensure that the final depth of the tree is entirely filled with leaves. This tree is perfectly balanced, and therefore exactly a uniform grid. Anything between will vary between these two extremes. This parameter can EXTREMELY impact performance, especially on 1D trees. -
: When evaluating a vector of points,baobzi
can currently use one of two strategies which can dramatically impact performance, depending on the tree and computer. The default is to split the evaluation of the points into two stages, one where the boxes are calculated in one pass, and then the points are evaluated with them in a second. This tends to help when there are a large number of nodes, as it increases the chance of a cache hit by not ever loading in extra evaluation data. However it requires making a temporary data structure to hold this, which costs time/memory.The second is to just brute force evaluate the points as they appear in the target order. This typically works very well in 1D, for small trees, but otherwise has poor performance.
Setting this parameter to 1 uses the typically faster 'split' model, while setting it to 0 will use the direct model.
: Maximum depth allowed for tree before interpolation considered failed.
- domain parameters (yes they're weird, I'm sorry)
: N-dim array representing the center of the domain you're interested inhalf_length
: N-dim array representing half the length of your domain
All examples require your project know where the baobzi
shared object is located. In the
example above, it's located in either the $BAOBZI_ROOT/lib
or $BAOBZI_ROOT/lib64
depending on your system.
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$BAOBZI_ROOT/share/baobzi/python
export MATLABPATH=$MATLABPATH:$BAOBZI_ROOT/share/baobzi/matlab
A more complicated example than below: examples/C/baobzi_timing.c
// test_baobzi.c
#include <baobzi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
double testfunc(const double *x, const void *data) { return x[0] * x[1]; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
baobzi_input_t input = {
.func = testfunc,
.data = NULL,
.dim = 2,
.order = 6,
.tol = 1E-10,
.minimum_leaf_fraction = 0.0,
.split_multi_eval = 0,
.max_depth = 50
const double half_length[2] = {1.0, 1.0};
const double center[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
const double x[2] = {0.25, 0.25};
baobzi_t func_approx = baobzi_init(&input, center, half_length);
printf("%g\n", baobzi_eval(func_approx, x));
baobzi_save(func_approx, "func_approx.baobzi");
func_approx = baobzi_free(func_approx);
func_approx = baobzi_restore("func_approx.baobzi");
printf("%g\n", baobzi_eval(func_approx, x));
return 0;
gcc -o test_baobzi.c -lbaobzi
A more complicated example than below: examples/c++/baobzi_timing.cpp
// test_baobzi.cpp
#include <baobzi.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
double testfunc(const double *x) { return x[0] * x[1]; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
using baobzi::Baobzi;
baobzi_input_t input = {
.func = testfunc,
.data = NULL,
.dim = 2,
.order = 6,
.tol = 1E-10,
.minimum_leaf_fraction = 0.0,
.split_multi_eval = 0,
.max_depth = 50
const double half_length[2] = {1.0, 1.0};
const double center[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
const double x[2] = {0.25, 0.25};
Baobzi func_approx(&input, center, half_length);
printf("%g\n", func_approx(x));"func_approx.baobzi");
Baobzi func_approx("func_approx.baobzi");
printf("%g\n", func_approx(x));
return 0;
g++ -o test_baobzi.cpp -lbaobzi
from baobzi import Baobzi
import numpy as np
def py_test_func(x):
return x[0] * x[1]
center = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
half_length = np.array([1.0, 1.0])
point = np.array([0.25, 0.25])
tol = 1E-8
minimum_leaf_fraction = 0.0 # optional/default
split_multi_eval = 1 # optional/default
max_depth = 50 # optional/default
test = Baobzi(py_test_func, 2, 6, center, half_length, 1E-8, minimum_leaf_fraction, split_multi_eval, max_depth)'test.baobzi')
del test
test2 = Baobzi(filename='test.baobzi')
del test2
# simple2d.jl
import baobzi
function testfunc(xp::Ptr{Float64})::Cdouble
x = unsafe_load(xp, 1)
y = unsafe_load(xp, 2)
return x * y
center = [0.0, 0.0]
half_length = [0.5, 1.0]
test_point = [0.25, 0.25]
dim = 2
order = 6
tol = 1E-8
minimum_leaf_fraction = 0.0 # optional/default
split_multi_eval = 1 # optional/default
max_depth = 50 # optional/default
output_file = "simple2d.baobzi"
func_approx = baobzi.init(testfunc, dim, order, center, half_length, tol, minimum_leaf_fraction, split_multi_eval, max_depth)
println(baobzi.eval(func_approx, test_point) - testfunc(pointer(test_point))), output_file)
func_approx = baobzi.restore(output_file)
println(baobzi.eval(func_approx, test_point) - testfunc(pointer(test_point)))
julia simple2d.jl
MATLAB initialization does not work for anonymous functions. You must declare an actual
function (in its own myfunc.m
%% testfun.m
function [y] = testfun(x)
y = x(1) * x(2);
%% simple2d.m
dim = 2;
order = 6;
center = [0.0, 0.0];
half_length = [1.0, 1.0];
tol = 1E-8;
minimum_leaf_fraction = 0.0;
split_multi_eval = 1;
max_depth = 50;
func_approx = baobzi('new', 'testfun', dim, order, center, half_length, tol, minimum_leaf_fraction, split_multi_eval, max_depth);
display(func_approx.eval([0.25, 0.25]))'simple2d.baobzi');
clear func_approx
func_approx = baobzi('restore', 'simple2d.baobzi');
display(func_approx.eval([0.25, 0.25]))
matlab -batch simple2d
program main
use baobzi
implicit none
real(kind=c_double) :: center(2), half_length(2), tol
real(kind=c_double) :: x(2)
real(kind=c_double), target :: scale_factor
type(c_ptr) :: func_approx
character(len=64) :: fname
type(baobzi_input_t) :: input
input%func = c_funloc(testfun)
input%data = c_loc(scale_factor)
input%dim = 2
input%order = 6
input%tol = 1E-8
input%minimum_leaf_fraction = 0.0
input%split_multi_eval = 0
input%max_depth = 50
center(:) = 0.0
half_length(:) = 1.0
x(:) = 0.25
fname = trim(adjustl('fortran.baobzi'))//char(0)
func_approx = baobzi_init(input, center, half_length)
print *, baobzi_eval(func_approx, x) - testfun(x, scale_factor)
call baobzi_save(func_approx, fname)
func_approx = baobzi_free(func_approx)
func_approx = baobzi_restore(fname)
print *, baobzi_eval(func_approx, x) - testfun(x, scale_factor)
function testfun (x, scale_factor) bind(c) result(y)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
real(kind=c_double), dimension(*) :: x
real(kind=c_double) :: scale_factor
real(kind=c_double) :: y
y = scale_factor * x(1) * x(2)
end function testfun
end program main
gfortran -o fortran_example -I$BAOBZI_ROOT/share/baobzi/fortran fortran_example.f90 -lbaobzi
Most control flow of Baobzi is handled through the input structure, but there is a single
environment variable: BAOBZI_ARCH
. This environment variable lets you manually set the
instruction set used by the evaluation. There is usually no reason to use this, but in some
cases, AVX2 will outperform AVX512, or you might want to do some testing on the impact of the
instruction set. Valid values are (case-insensitive) GENERIC
, AVX2
, and AVX512
Here I've added a git submodule in extern/baobzi, and I build and link in the static library. You can also set the shared library on, and the static off, though you'll want to ensure the shared library gets installed with your project. Probably better to use the static. In this example, it added 23MB to my test executable size.
add_executable(baobzi_test src/test.cpp)
target_include_directories(baobzi_test PUBLIC extern/baobzi/include)
target_link_libraries(baobzi_test PUBLIC baobzi_static)
See the issues or project tracker.
dimensions are defined on the semi-open interval[x0, x1)
. Baobzi functions will return NAN outside the this interval.- Baobzi can't handle singularities or otherwise pathological functions like
. It will eat your memory and crash. I intend to handle these issues, but I want to work on an API that allows for more options to deal with them. That will take time.- Workaround: for now, just piecewise a bunch of baobzi functions to work around singularities. I hope to add an option to add exclusion domain, or a bunch of domains to fit and represent as a single function.
- In one and two dimensions,
will determine tolerance matching by looking at the values of certain chebyshev coefficients. This tends to underestimate the fit, resulting in better precision than you expected (though there are exceptions). In 3D, it uses a sampling technique. This effectively doubles the time to fit, but will give you a tolerance closer to the expected one. Start low, and move up until you find a fit that works for you. Eventually this will be an option in the API. - MATLAB initialization does not work for anonymous functions. You must declare an actual
function (in its own
file). - Doesn't do 4+ dimensions (though possible, I haven't worked out the fitting procedures
yet). Probably don't want to go above 5 dimensions, since each node takes
O(8 * ORDER^D)
bytes of memory.
It's a cute version of baobab, or the tree of life, which is already a very popular project name. The baobab lives an extraordinarily long time, which this interpolator is designed to do. Plant it (it's a tree!), and use it again and again. That's about the extent of the metaphor -- try not to think about it too much.