A Refinery CMS Engine for extending Pages with attached whitepapers.
This version of refinerycms-whitepapers supports Rails 3.2.x and Refinery CMS ~> 2.0.10.
- Attach an uploaded file to a page as a whitepaper.
- Page body can be used to describe the whitepaper, or provide an abstract.
- Upload a whitepaper from the page tab, without disrupting the page being created/updated.
- Whitepaper can be downloaded.
Add the following to your Gemfile
gem 'refinerycms-whitepapers', '~> 0.1.0'
Once it's added to your Gemfile
, run the following commands:
bundle install
rails g refinery:whitepapers
Add the following to refinery/pages/show.html.erb
<%= render '/refinery/whitepapers/show' %>
- Capture email address on attempt to download. Use cookie to allow multiple whitepaper downloads without asking for email again?
Refinery CMS Whitepapers engine is released under the MIT license.