Implementation of the client and server for a simple chat service.
ECEN602 Programming Assignment 2
- Flavia Ratto
- Eric Lloyd Robles
In this assignment, we implemented the client and server for a simple chat service. The Simple Broadcast Chat Protocol (SBCP) is a protocol that allows clients to join and leave a global chat session, view members of the session, and send and receive messages
- An instance of the server provides a single “chat room,” which can only handle a finite number of clients.
- Clients must explicitly JOIN the session. A client receives a list of the connected members of the chat session once they complete the JOIN transaction.
- Clients use SEND messages to carry chat text, and clients receive chat text from the server using the FWD message.
- Clients may exit unceremoniously at any time during the chat session.
- The server should detect a client exit, cleanup the resources allocated to that client and notify the other clients.
- Also, both the client and server handle several inputs at the same time using I/O multiplexing (select).
- In order to compile the code, make sure the makefile, client.c and server.c are in the same directory/folder/. Type in the command:
- To start the server, type in the command line:
./server server_ip server_port max_clients
- To start the client, type in the command line: ./client IPAdr Port
./client username server_ip server_port
Note: - The code is written in C and is compiled and tested in a Linux environment.