Following our previous conversation, we’d like to invite you to our technical challenge where you can showcase all your talents. We know this we’ll be a walk-in-the-park and respect your schedule so rest assured that it won’t take too much of your spare time.
The main goal of this exercise is for you to do a single page showing a paginated list (either as a table, list, or cards) of weird-named planets from Star Wars. You’ll consume a simple API from SWAPI which you’ll then treat and show.
Feel free to use any components’ library and any Jedi mind tricks you like.
Let's go!
The main requirements are:
- The user should be able to search for planets;
- The user should be able to paginate the list of planets;
- The user should be able to see details about the selected planet.
API Documentation: https://swapi.dev/documentation#intro
Fork this repository to your own github profile and use it to develop your solution. After done, just send us the link for your forked repository.
⚛️ React and TypeScript
🐞 Unit / integration tests
💅 A nice design using CSS
📄 Clear README.md
🔥 NextJS
🔥 TanStack Query / SWR
If you have the time, you might want to add these to your project:
🎨 Responsive layout
📱 Mobile suppport
Feel free to reach out if you have any question and don’t hesitate regardless of how simple or silly your questions might look like. We are here to provide you all the conditions for you to shine ✨
There’s no deadline only good sense.