Project is located here:
brew install fleetwoodmac/git-identity-manager/git-identity-manager
Or brew tap fleetwoodmac/git-identity-manager
and then brew install git-identity-manager
Or, in a brew bundle
tap "fleetwoodmac/git-identity-manager"
brew "git-identity-manager"
First, run git idm uninstall
as shown in samrocketman's documentation here
Then, run 'brew uninstall git-identity-manager`
Finally, untap this repo by running brew untap fleetwoodmac/git-identity-manager
brew help
, man brew
or check Homebrew's documentation.
Automated updating of forumla using the following github actions:
- Homebrew bump formula GitHub Action by dawidd6
- Find PR and Merge PR Github Actions by juliangruber
- Get Latest Release by pozetroninc