This Python script utilizes Selenium to scrape information about products in YuPop store catalog. It allows the user to save the data of a chosen product, including images, set the desired visibility and create a given quantity of copies of the product.
- Modular Structure: The code is organized into functions, making it easy to understand the buttons and modify their action sets.
- Web Scraping with Selenium: Leverages Selenium for navigating web pages and extracting relevant data.
- Configurable: Future functions can be added to interact with the products catalog, edit, remove, set promotions, manage orders and much more!
- Python 3.x
- Selenium
- Firefox WebDriver
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download Firefox WebDriver and add it to your system's PATH.
Configure your credentials in the user_data file.
Run the script: