This is, a new Tcl interface to GD that is significantly more feature- complete with gd 2 than Gdtclft.
Version 1.3.1
This package is a freely available open source package under the "Berkeley"
license, same as Tcl. You can do virtually anything you like with it, such as
modifying it, redistributing it, and selling it either in whole or in part.
See the file "license.terms" for complete information.
Gdtcl was written by Karl Lehenbauer.
Before building you need to install the graphics drawing library, GD, aka libgd, from
Make sure you have a dev version i.e. that the include files are installed as well as the libraries. If using Debian use apt-get install libgd-dev.
You'll also need to have installed Tcl, probably version 8.6, and you need autoconf.
Once you've got the prerequisites installed, run autoreconf to generate the configure script, then run the configure script, make and make install
./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib/tcl8.6
sudo make install
package require tclgd
Please see the tclgd manpage in the doc directory. There's a pdf there too.
A number of simple examples of the use of can be found in the playpen directory.
You can attach an existing gd handle to a image manipulation command using tclgd_newGDObjectAttach. This provides a way to grab a GD image created by some library that you've linked your application with and manipulate it from Tcl using Please see the tclgd_newGDObjectAttach manpage for details.
Included with is a patch to Mapserver's mapscript Tcl extension to use the aforementioned capability for integrating with C aplications that use gd to provide a capability for mapscript.
Consult the README file in the mapserver-patches subdirectory for details on how to install the mapserver patch to add this capability to mapserver. Makefile template. The configure script uses this file to produce the final Makefile. This file
aclocal.m4 Generated file. Do not edit. Autoconf uses this as input when generating the final configure script. See "tcl.m4" below.
configure Generated file. Do not edit. This must be regenerated anytime or tclconfig/tcl.m4 changes. Configure script template. Autoconf uses this file as input to produce the final configure script.
generic/tclgd.c Interface between Tcl and GD generic/tclgd.h include file generic/tclgdio.c Channel interface to allow GD-oriented I/O to Tcl channels. generic/tclgdtcl.c Init routines.
tclconfig/ This directory contains various template files that build the configure script. They should not need modification.
install-sh Program used for copying binaries and script files to their install locations.
tcl.m4 Collection of Tcl autoconf macros. Included by aclocal.m4 to define SC_* macros.
Building under most Unix systems is easy, just run the configure script and then run make.
make install has not been built under Windows at this time.
The recommended method to build extensions under Windows is to use the Msys + Mingw build process. This provides a Unix-style build while generating native Windows binaries. Using the Msys + Mingw build tools means that you can use the same configure script as per the Unix build to create a Makefile.
If you have VC++, then you may wish to use the files in the win subdirectory and build the extension using just VC++.
Instructions for using the VC++ makefile are written in the first part of the file.
The install looks like so:
/ \
lib bin
| |
PACKAGEx.y (dependent .dll files on Windows) | pkgIndex.tcl (.so|.dll files)
The main .so|.dll library file gets installed in the versioned PACKAGE directory, which is OK on all platforms because it will be directly referenced with by 'load' in the pkgIndex.tcl file. Dependent DLL files on Windows must go in the bin directory (or other directory on the user's PATH) in order for them to be found.