Supported platform:
- iOS
- Android
You can browse (locally or remotely) to access files in android/ios phone/pad:
- browse the files in mobile device with a browser in PC.
- copy files from mobile device to PC quickly, just with Wifi.
- use cordova webview to access the assets/www/ content with http protocol.
Why http access is good?
- Use wifi instead of cable, more convenient.
- For security reason, browser does not support local AJAX calls. It's big bottle neck to deploy HTML5 games to Cordova platform.
- The most popular phaser.js game engine, a httpd is always required, as it use AJAX to load resource.
Add the plugin to your cordova project:
cordova plugin add
Quick start, copy the demo files, and just build to play.
cp -r plugins/com.rjfun.cordova.httpd/test/* www/
startServer( options, success_callback, error_callback );
stopServer( success_callback, error_callback );
getURL( success_callback, error_callback );
getLocalPath( success_callback, error_callback );
Example code: (read the comments)
var httpd = null;
function onDeviceReady() {
httpd = ( cordova && cordova.plugins && cordova.plugins.CorHttpd ) ? cordova.plugins.CorHttpd : null;
function updateStatus() {
document.getElementById('location').innerHTML = "document.location.href: " + document.location.href;
if( httpd ) {
/* use this function to get status of httpd
* if server is up, it will return http://<server's ip>:port/
* if server is down, it will return empty string ""
if(url.length > 0) {
document.getElementById('url').innerHTML = "server is up: <a href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>" + url + "</a>";
} else {
document.getElementById('url').innerHTML = "server is down.";
// call this function to retrieve the local path of the www root dir
document.getElementById('localpath').innerHTML = "<br/>localPath: " + path;
} else {
alert('CorHttpd plugin not available/ready.');
function startServer( wwwroot ) {
if ( httpd ) {
// before start, check whether its up or not
if(url.length > 0) {
document.getElementById('url').innerHTML = "server is up: <a href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>" + url + "</a>";
} else {
/* wwwroot is the root dir of web server, it can be absolute or relative path
* if a relative path is given, it will be relative to cordova assets/www/ in APK.
* "", by default, it will point to cordova assets/www/, it's good to use 'htdocs' for 'www/htdocs'
* if a absolute path is given, it will access file system.
* "/", set the root dir as the www root, it maybe a security issue, but very powerful to browse all dir
'www_root' : wwwroot,
'port' : 8080,
'localhost_only' : false
}, function( url ){
// if server is up, it will return the url of http://<server ip>:port/
// the ip is the active network connection
// if no wifi or no cell, "" will be returned.
document.getElementById('url').innerHTML = "server is started: <a href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>" + url + "</a>";
}, function( error ){
document.getElementById('url').innerHTML = 'failed to start server: ' + error;
} else {
alert('CorHttpd plugin not available/ready.');
function stopServer() {
if ( httpd ) {
// call this API to stop web server
document.getElementById('url').innerHTML = 'server is stopped.';
},function( error ){
document.getElementById('url').innerHTML = 'failed to stop server' + error;
} else {
alert('CorHttpd plugin not available/ready.');
This Cordova plugin is built based on following 2 projects, and thanks to the authors.
- NanoHTTPD, written in java, for java / android, by psh.
- CocoaHTTPServer, written in Obj-C, for iOS / Mac OS X, by robbiehanson.
You can use this plugin for FREE. Feel free to fork, improve and send pull request.
If need prompt support, please buy a license, you will be supported with high priority.
More Cordova/PhoneGap plugins by Raymond Xie, find them in plugin registry.
Project outsourcing and consulting service is also available. Please contact us if you have the business needs.