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  1. Write a program to calculate gross salary of 10 employees using map function
  2. Write a program to find maximum salary of an employee after calculating gross salary using map and reduce function
  3. Write a menu driven program to implement basic calculator using functions
  4. Write a menu driven program to demonstrate value error,type error and name error.
  5. Write a program to design GUI for student regisatration form and connect to datatbase and perform view and delete operations.
  6. Write a program to create a class called Employee with methods called work() and getSalary(). Create a subclass called HRManager that overrides the work () method and adds a new method called addEmployee().
  7. Write a program to create a class known as "BankAccount" with methods called deposit() and withdraw(). Create a subclass called SavingsAccount that overrides the withdraw() method to prevent withdrawals if the account balance falls below one hundred.
  8. Write a program to create a class known as Person with methods called getFirstName() and getLastName(). Create a subclass called Employee that adds a new method named getEmployeeId() and overrides the getLastName() method to include the employee's job title.
  9. Write a program to create a class called Shape with methods called getPerimeter() and getArea(). Create a subclass called Circle that overrides the getPerimeter() and getArea() methods to calculate the area and perimeter of a circle.(use abstract classes and methods)
  10. Write a program that creates a class hierarchy for employees of a company. The base class should be Employee, with subclasses Manager, Developer, and Programmer. Each subclass should have properties such as name, address, salary, and job title. Implement methods to calculate bonus.(use abstract classes and methods)
  11. Python Program to Create a Class and Compute the Area and the Perimeter of the Circle .
  12. Python Program to Create a Class in which One Method Accepts a String from the User and Another Prints it .
  13. Python Program to create an abstract method and abstract class and abstract method must be implemented by the child class.
  14. Write a program to demonstrate class , constructor, object and a method in a class.
  15. Write a program to create a class add a static method and non static method and call the methods using object of class.
  16. Write a program to demonstrate multilevel inheritance
  17. Write a program to demonstrate multiple inheritance
  18. Write a program to create abstract class Bank add methods calculate ROI and create child class to implement this abstract class.
  19. Create 2 threads where one thread will print odd numbers and another will print even numbers.
  20. Create 2 threads where one thread will print capital alphabets and one will print small alphabets.
  21. Write a program to implement Catch exception in a function.
  22. WAP to Handle type error and name error exceptions.
  23. Python Program to Take in the Marks of 5 Subjects and Display the Grade(demonstrate using classes and objects).
  24. Create two threads where in one will print grade of a student and another will print name of student.
  25. Demonstrate assert, raise try except and finally.
  26. Python Program to Create a Class which Performs Basic Calculator Operations.
  27. Python Program to Create a Class Which Performs even odd method and factorial method.
  28. Write a program for user Input Validation with Exceptions.
  29. Create a person class add name,id,salary attributes add a constructor to initialize these and print the person details using methods.
  30. Create a bank class add attributes and methods to calculate ROI by the child class.
  31. Write a python program to create a method that takes an integer as a parameter and throws an exception if the number is odd.
  32. Write python program read Two Numbers and Print Their Quotient and Remainder (demonstrate using classes ,methods and objects)
  33. Write a python program to create 2 threads where in one displays salary of 10 employees and another displays name of 10 employees.
  34. Write a menu driven program for banking application with following methods display_details(),withdraw(),deposit()(use list to store the details)
  35. Write a program to calculate grade of students with methods display_details(),calculate grade() make it a menu driven program .(use dictionary to store details)
  36. Write a menu driven program to demonstrate map,reduce and filter
  37. Write a program for database connectivity for any GUI and perfrom CRUD operations.
  38. Write a program to read a file and copy its contents to another file
  39. Create a module by name add code for addition of two numbers call import it in another file
  40. Write a program to design GUI for calculator which perform addition of two numbers
  41. Write a program to check whether a file exit if it exists delete it otherwise create it
  42. Write a program to create packages add files to it and import it in another file
  43. Write a program to append contents in a file and read it
  44. Design GUI to input salary and calculate Gross salary on a button click
  45. Design GUI to input marks in 3 subjects and print grade on a button click
  46. Design GUI using radio button and checkbutton and display the the value of checkbutton
  47. Design GUI to change label on a button click
  48. Design GUI to set default value to a entry widget
  49. Design GUI to place 10 buttons using grid
  50. Write a program to plot to input marks in 3 subjects and plot bar graph for no of students scoring A, B grade.
  51. Write a program to read a csv file and remove empty cells
  52. Write a program to convert a dictionary to dataframe and display its info
  53. Write a program to fix bad data using pandas
  54. Write a program to fix wrong format data using pandas
  55. Write a program to demonstrate series using pandas and perform removing of duplicate rows.
  56. Write a program to calculate gross salary of employee and write the salary into another file
  57. Write a program to calculate rate of interest and append it to another file and read the file after appending.
  58. Design a GUI to input amount to be deposited and calculate total balance on a button click
  59. Design GUI to copy contents of one entry widget to another on a button click
  60. Design GUI to change background color and font size and style of Label on a button click
  61. Write a program to locate a row containing wrong data and replace it with correct value using pandas
  62. Write a program to remove duplicate rows for a particular field in a csv file
  63. Design GUI to set background color to a text box on button click
  64. Using pandas delete duplicate rows and fill correct data
  65. Write a program to read a .csv file and display top 10 and bottom 10 rows of it also print its info
  66. Write a program to read a file and print its contents and perform append operation
  67. Design GUI to retrieve contents of entry widget and make a label of it
  68. Write a Python program to read a file line by line and store it into a list.
  69. Write a Python program to count the number of lines in a text file
  70. Write a Python program to combine each line from first file with the corresponding line in second file.
  71. Write a Python program to generate 20 text files named A.txt, B.txt, and so on
  72. Write a Python GUI program that creates a Spinbox widget with a custom range of values
  73. Write a Python GUI program to create three radio buttons widgets using tkinter module and display its value on console.
  74. Write a Python GUI program to create three single line text-box to accept a value from the user using tkinter module and display its value on console
  75. Write a Python GUI program to create a Checkbutton widget using tkinter module and display its value through label on a button click.
  76. Write a Python GUI program to create a Combobox with three options using tkinter module display any one value on console on a button click
  77. Write a Python GUI program to create two buttons exit and hello using tkinter module and swap its label on a button click.
  78. Write a python program to display four different types of graphs on the same window
  79. Write a Pandas program to create the mean and standard deviation of the data of a given Series.(assume series)
  80. Write a Pandas program to replacing missing data with mean value.
  81. Write a Pandas program to fill missing values (NaN) in a DataFrame and drop rows with missing data.
  82. Write a module to calculate rate of interest and import it in another file and display the output
  83. Write a module to calculate gross salary of 5 employees and import that module in another file and display the output.
  84. Design GUI to display name,rollno,email id and address
  85. Design GUI for currency converter
  86. Design GUI to add two entry widget,spinbox,listbox,text and label place all these widgets using pack
  87. Create a package with 3 files and import any one file in another package
  88. Design GUI for CSI registration form and display details on a button click
  89. Create a class “Shape” with a method “calculateArea()” that calculates and returns the area of the shape. Create two subclasses “Rectangle” and “Triangle” that extend “Shape” and implement the “calculateArea()” method.
  90. Write a program to create three buttons blue,green and red and call method to change background color of window using tkinter


90 python programs






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