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Auto-generated Rust bindings for the sokol headers.

Add sokol-rust as a dependency to your Cargo.toml as such:

sokol = { version="*", git="" }

Check out the examples/ folder for more examples. Here is examples/clear/

use sokol::{app as sapp, gfx as sg, glue as sglue};
use std::ffi;

struct State {
    pass_action: sg::PassAction,

extern "C" fn init(user_data: *mut ffi::c_void) {
    let state = unsafe { &mut *(user_data as *mut State) };

    sg::setup(&sg::Desc {
        environment: sglue::environment(),
        logger: sg::Logger { func: Some(sokol::log::slog_func), ..Default::default() },

    state.pass_action.colors[0] = sg::ColorAttachmentAction {
        load_action: sg::LoadAction::Clear,
        clear_value: sg::Color { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 },

    let backend = sg::query_backend();
    match &backend {
        sg::Backend::Glcore | sg::Backend::Gles3 => {
            println!("Using GL Backend!");
            println!("Specifically the {:?} backend!", backend);

        sg::Backend::D3d11 => {
            println!("Using D3d11 Backend!");

        sg::Backend::MetalIos | sg::Backend::MetalMacos | sg::Backend::MetalSimulator => {
            println!("Using Metal Backend!");
            println!("Specifically the {:?} backend!", backend);

        sg::Backend::Wgpu => {
            println!("Using Wgpu Backend!");

        sg::Backend::Dummy => {
            println!("Using Dummy Backend!");

extern "C" fn frame(user_data: *mut ffi::c_void) {
    let state = unsafe { &mut *(user_data as *mut State) };

    let g = state.pass_action.colors[0].clear_value.g + 0.01;
    state.pass_action.colors[0].clear_value.g = if g > 1.0 { 0.0 } else { g };

    sg::begin_pass(&sg::Pass {
        action: state.pass_action,
        swapchain: sglue::swapchain(),

extern "C" fn cleanup(user_data: *mut ffi::c_void) {

    let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(user_data as *mut State) };

fn main() {
    let state = Box::new(State { pass_action: sg::PassAction::new() });

    let user_data = Box::into_raw(state) as *mut ffi::c_void;

    sapp::run(&sapp::Desc {
        init_userdata_cb: Some(init),
        frame_userdata_cb: Some(frame),
        cleanup_userdata_cb: Some(cleanup),
        window_title: c"".as_ptr(),
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        sample_count: 4,
        logger: sapp::Logger { func: Some(sokol::log::slog_func), ..Default::default() },
        icon: sapp::IconDesc { sokol_default: true, ..Default::default() },


The Rust compiler and cargo can be installed using rustup

The same dependencies apply as with sokol normally for each platform.

Building with cargo

Cargo will compile and link the sokol headers automatically during compilation thanks to the buildscript


Not all examples have been translated to Rust yet, but you can check the ones that have been in the examples directory.

Rust 1.77 or later is required to build the examples.

You can compile all examples using the following command:

cargo build --all-targets

Build and run individual examples as such:

cargo run --example clear
cargo run --example cube
cargo run --example mrt
cargo run --example debugtext
cargo run --example sgl-context
cargo run --example sgl-points
cargo run --example blend
cargo run --example audio
cargo run --example instancing
cargo run --example userdata
cargo run --example vertexpull

NOTE: imgui support has been removed for now, the required cimgui submodule dependency caused trouble with Github Actions. We'll need to solve this some other way in the future, and in a way that works for all language bindings.


To compile for wasm, you will need the emcc compiler which you can get at

You can then compile the examples like such:

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten --example texcube

You will then need to create an html page which imports the game. Checkout test.html for how this can be done. It is specifically setup to run the texcube example in debug mode.

It can be served with basic-http-server:

cargo install basic-http-server
basic-http-server .
# .. now go to localhost:4000/test.html


Checkout sokol-tools for a sokol shader pipeline! It supports these Rust bindings and all shaders in the examples folder here have been compiled using it with -f sokol_rust!

License and attributions

This code is released under the zlib license (see LICENSE for info). Parts of and have been copied and modified from the zig-bindings ( and odin-bindings ( for sokol.

The sokol headers are created by Andre Weissflog (floooh) and sokol is released under its own license here:

cimgui is released under the MIT license

The old Rust bindings by Daniel Ludwig (code-disaster) were used to figure out the script and it was released under the MIT license.