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AQUAS (Automated quality control, peak calling and reproducibility analysis of Transcription factor ChIP-seq data)

The AQUAS pipeline is based off the ENCODE (phase-3) transcription factor ChIP-seq pipeline specifications (by Anshul Kundaje) in this google doc . However, please note that this is NOT the official ENCODE (phase-3) pipeline but rather a free and open-source implementation that adheres to the specifications. The official ENCODE (phase-3) pipeline is being implemented by the ENCODE DCC on a cloud computing platform knows as DNAnexus.It will be released shortly by the ENCODE DCC and will be linked to from this site as well. The official DNAnexus pipeline is open-source as well. However, users need to create an account on DNAnexus and pay for cloud compute. We have created this free version as an alternative for those who might have access to local compute infrastructure and not necessarily want to pay for DNAnexus cloud compute. We have run extensive tests to make sure the output of AQUAS and the official DNAnexus pipeline match exactly. We plan to continue making sure AQUAS and the DNAnexus implementation continue to remain in sync.

AQUAS takes advantage of the powerful pipeline language BigDataScript ( in order to provide a complete end-to-end solution that you can run on a variety of compute infrastructures. AQUAS has the following features.

1) One-command-line installation for all dependencies for ChIP-Seq pipeline.
2) One command line (or one configuration file) to run the whole pipeline.
3) Starting the pipeline from fastq, bam, tagalign and peak. You can also stop it at any stage.
4) Resuming from the point of failure without re-doing finished stages.
5) Mapping for each replicate and peak calling go in parallel.
6) Signal track generation (bigwig) for bam and tagalign.
7) Sun Grid Engine cluster support.
8) Realtime HTML Progress reports to monitor pipeline jobs.

Installation instruction


Kundaje lab



We recommend using BASH to run pipelines.

There are two ways to define parameters for ChIP-Seq pipelines. Default values are already given for most of them. Take a look at example commands and configuration files (./examples). Two methods share the same key names.

  1. Parameters from command line arguments:
$ bds chipseq.bds [OPTIONS]

Example (for single ended fastqs):

$ bds chipseq.bds \
-fastq1 /DATA/ENCFF000YLW.fastq.gz \
-fastq2 /DATA/ENCFF000YLY.fastq.gz \
-fastq1 /DATA/Ctl/ENCFF000YRB.fastq.gz \
-bwa_idx /INDEX/encodeHg19Male_bwa-0.7.3.fa \
  1. Parameters from a configuration file:
$ bds chipseq.bds [CONF_FILE]

Example configuriation file:

$ cat [CONF_FILE]

fastq1= /DATA/ENCFF000YLW.fastq.gz
fastq2= /DATA/ENCFF000YLY.fastq.gz
ctl_fastq1= /DATA/Ctl/ENCFF000YRB.fastq.gz
bwa_idx= /INDEX/encodeHg19Male_bwa-0.7.3.fa

The pipeline automatically determines if each task has finished or not (by comparing timestamps of input/output files for each task). To run the pipeline from the point of failure, correct error first and then just run the pipeline with the same command that you started the pipeline with. There is no additional parameter for restarting the pipeline.

Using Species file

There are many species specific parameters like indices (bwa, bowtie, ...), chromosome sizes, sequence file and genome size. If you have multiple pipelines, it's a hard job to individually define all parameters for each pipeline. However, if you have a species file with all species specific parameters defined, then you define less parameters and share the species file with all other pipelines.

$ bds chipseq.bds ... -species [SPECIES] -species_file [SPECIES_FILE]

IMPORTANT for Kundaje lab cluster and SCG3/4, skip -species_file and all genome specific parameters (like -bwa_idx, -chrsz, -blacklist, ... ) and then just specify species.

See details here

Pipeline stages and Mapping-only mode

The AQUAS transcription factor ChIP-Seq pipeline goes through the following stages:

1) bam          : mapping (fastq -> bam)
2) filt_bam     : filtering and deduping bam (bam -> filt_bam)
3) tag          : creating tagalign (bam -> tagalign)
4) xcor         : cross-correlation analysis (tagalign -> xcor plot.pdf/score.txt )
5) peak         : peak calling (tagaligns -> peaks)
6) idr          : IDR (peaks -> IDR score and peaks)

If you define -final_stage [STAGE], the pipeline stops right after the stage.

This is useful if you are not interested in peak calling and want to map/align lots of genome data (fastq, bam or filt_bam) IN PARALLEL. Set -final_stage [FINAL STAGE]. Choose your final stage. You can find description for each stage in the previous chapter (Chapter Input data type and final stage).

Example1: You have 5 unfiltered raw bam and want to filter them (removing dupes).

$ bds chipseq.bds \
-final_stage tag \
-fastq1 /DATA/ENCFF000YLW.fastq.gz \
-fastq2 /DATA/ENCFF000YLY.fastq.gz \
-fastq10 /DATA/ENCFF000???.fastq.gz \
-bwa_idx /INDEX/encodeHg19Male_v0.7.3/encodeHg19Male_bwa-0.7.3.fa \
-nth 6  # Total number of threads for the pipeline

Example2: You have 5 unfiltered raw bam and want to filter them (removing dupes).

$ bds chipseq.bds \
-final_stage filt_bam \
-bam1 /DATA/ENCFF000YLW.bam \
-bam5 /DATA/ENCFF000???.bam

How to define input data

The ENCODE ChIP-Seq pipeline can start from various types of data.

1) fastq 
2) bam
3) filt_bam	(it's bam but dupes are removed)
4) tag
5) peak

Except for fastq, add -pe if your data set is paired-end.

For repllicates: Define data path with -[DATA_TYPE][REPLICATE_ID].

For contols: Define data path with -ctl_[DATA_TYPE][CONTROL_ID].

You can skip [REPLICATE_ID] or [CONTROL_ID] if it's 1. (eg. -fastq, -ctl_bam, -tag, ... )

  1. Starting from fastqs (see the example in the previous chapter)

  2. Starting from bams

$ bds chipseq.bds \
-bam1 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/ENCFF000YLW.bam \
-bam2 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/ENCFF000YLY.bam \
-ctl_bam /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/Ctl/ENCFF000YRBbam \
  1. Starting from filtered bams (filt_bam: bam with dupe removed)
$ bds chipseq.bds \
-bam1 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/ENCFF000YLW.bam \
-bam2 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/ENCFF000YLY.bam \
-ctl_bam /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/Ctl/ENCFF000YRB.bam \
  1. Starting from tagaligns
$ bds chipseq.bds \
-tag1 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/ENCFF000YLW.tagAlign.gz \
-tag2 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/ENCFF000YLY.tagAlign.gz \
-ctl_tag /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/Ctl/ENCFF000YRB.tagAlign.gz \
  1. Starting from peak files
$ bds chipseq.bds \
-peak1 /DATA/Example1.regionPeak.gz \
-peak2 /DATA/Example2.regionPeak.gz \
-peak_pooled /DATA/Example.pooled.regionPeak.gz \

If you want do perform full IDR including pseudo-replicates and pooled pseudo-replicates, add the following:

For IDR on pseduro replicates of replicate 1:

-peak1_pr1 /DATA/Example1_PR1.regionPeak.gz \
-peak1_pr2 /DATA/Example1_PR2.regionPeak.gz \

For IDR on pseduro replicates of replicate 2:

-peak2_pr1 /DATA/Example2_PR1.regionPeak.gz \
-peak2_pr2 /DATA/Example2_PR2.regionPeak.gz \

For IDR on pooled pseduro replicates:

-peak_ppr1 /DATA/Example_PPR1.regionPeak.gz \
-peak_ppr2 /DATA/Example_PPR2.regionPeak.gz \

How to define paired-end (PE) data set

Add the following flag to the command line.


For fastqs, you do not need to add '-pe' since the pipeline will automatically determine if SE or PE.

For replicates: Define data path as -fastq[REPLICATE_ID], then it's SE (single ended). Define data path as -fastq[REPLICATE_ID]_[PAIRING_ID], then it's PE.

For controls: Define data path as -ctl_fastq[REPLICATE_ID], it's SE. Define data path as -ctl_fastq[REPLICATE_ID]_[PAIRING_ID], it's PE.

Example: SE: 2 replicates and 1 control replicate

$ bds chipseq.bds \
-fastq1 /DATA/ENCSR769ZTN/ENCFF002ELL.fastq.gz \
-fastq2 /DATA/ENCSR769ZTN/ENCFF002ELJ.fastq.gz \
-ctl_fastq1 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/Ctl/ENCFF002EFQ.fastq.gz \
-bwa_idx /INDEX/encodeHg19Male_v0.7.3/encodeHg19Male_bwa-0.7.3.fa

PE: 2 replicates and 2 control replicates

$ bds chipseq.bds \
-fastq1_1 /DATA/ENCSR769ZTN/ENCFF002ELJ.fastq.gz \
-fastq1_2 /DATA/ENCSR769ZTN/ENCFF002ELK.fastq.gz \
-fastq2_1 /DATA/ENCSR769ZTN/ENCFF002ELL.fastq.gz \
-fastq2_2 /DATA/ENCSR769ZTN/ENCFF002ELM.fastq.gz \
-ctl_fastq1_1 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/Ctl/ENCFF002EFQ.fastq.gz \
-ctl_fastq1_2 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/Ctl/ENCFF002EFR.fastq.gz \
-ctl_fastq2_1 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/Ctl/ENCFF002EFS.fastq.gz \
-ctl_fastq2_2 /DATA/ENCSR000EGM/Ctl/ENCFF002EFT.fastq.gz \
-bwa_idx /INDEX/encodeHg19Male_v0.7.3/encodeHg19Male_bwa-0.7.3.fa

Peak calling method

Define peak calling method with -callpeak [METHOD], choose [METHOD] in [spp, macs2]. You can also choose both like -callpeak spp,macs2 (default). If you want to call peaks on true/pooled replicates (not on pseudoreplicates or pooled pseudoreplicate) only, add -true_rep.

Both spp and macs2 generate peaks but signal tracks (pvalue and fold enrichment) are generated from macs2 only. IDR analysis will take peaks from spp. For spp, no additional parameter is required. For macs2, define additional parameters (-chrsz, -gensz).

Example for both spp and macs2 (you can omit -callpeak spp,macs2 since it's by default):

$ bds chipseq.bds \
-callpeak spp,macs2 \
-chrsz /DATA/hg19.chrom.sizes \
-gensz hs

Seq is the directory where reference genome files exist. Chrsz is chrome sizes file. Gensz is hs for human and mm for mouse.

If you don't want IDR analysis and want to get peaks and signal tracks from macs2 only:

-callpeak macs2 -chrsz /DATA/hg19.chrom.sizes -gensz hs

If you don't want to get peaks and signal tracks from macs2:

-callpeak spp


IDR analysis is based on No additional parameter required but specify a blacklist (for hg19, here) for full IDR QC. For other genomes,

-blacklist [BLACKLIST_BED]

Signal track generation

Define with -sigtrk [SIG_TRK_GEN_METHOD: tag2bw (or aln2rawsig), bam2bw (or deeptools)] to generate signal track (bigwig). You can use both with -sigtrk tag2bw,bam2bw.

If you don't want to define parameters like seq, umap, chrsz for every pipeline run, use species file. Define all species specific parameters in the species file and add parameter -species [SPECIES: hg19, mm9, ...] -species_file [SPECIES_FILE].

In order to generate signal track using macs2 do not use -sigtrk. Use -callpeak macs2 instead.

  1. using tag2bw (align2rawsignal; it converts tagalign to bigwig, final_stage >= xcor )
$ bds chipseq.bds \
-sigtrk tag2bw \
-seq /DATA/encodeHg19Male \
-umap /DATA/encodeHg19Male/globalmap_k20tok54 \
-chrsz /DATA/hg19.chrom.sizes

Seq is the directory where reference genome files exist. Umap files are provided at

If you want both bigwig and wig, then add -make_wig.

  1. using bam2bw (bamCoverage in deepTools; it converts filt_bam to bigwig, final_stage >= filt_bam )
$ bds chipseq.bds \
-sigtrk bam2bw

Parallelization and multi-threading (IMPORTANT!)

For completely serialized jobs. Individual tasks can still go multi-threaded.


You can set up a limit for total # threads. Total # threads used by a pipeline will not exceed this limit. By default, it's 16 on SCG3/4 and 8 on Kundaje clusters and others.


A pipeline automatically distributes [MAX_TOTAL_NO_THREADS] threads for jobs according to corresponding input file sizes. For example of two fastqs (1GB and 2GB) with -nth 6, 2 and 4 threads are allocated for aligning 1GB and 2GB fastqs, respectively. The same policy applies to other multi-threaded tasks like deduping and peak calling.

However, all multi-threaded tasks (like bwa, bowtie2, spp and macs2) still have their own max. memory (-mem_APPNAME [MEM_APP]) and walltime (-wt_APPNAME [WALLTIME_APP]) settings. Max. memory is NOT PER CPU. On Kundaje cluster (with SGE flag activated bds -s sge chipseq.bds ...) or on SCG3/4, the actual shell command submitted by BDS for each task is like the following:


This ensures that total memory reserved for a cluster job equals to [MEM_APP].

How to efficiently manage multiple pipeline runs? (using UNIX screen)

./utils/bds_scr is a BASH script to create a detached screen for a BDS script and redirect stdout/stderr to a log file [LOG_FILE_NAME]. If a log file already exists, stdout/stderr will be appended to it. Monitor a pipeline with tail -f [LOG_FILE_NAME]. The only difference between bds_scr and bds is that you have [SCR_NAME] [LOG_FILE_NAME] between bds command and its parameters (or a BDS script name).

bds_scr [SCR_NAME] [LOG_FILE_NAME] chipseq.bds ...

You can skip [LOG_FILE_NAME] then a log file [SCR_NAME].log will be generated on the working directory.

bds_scr [SCR_NAME] chipseq.bds ...

You can also add any BDS parameters (like -dryRun, -d and -s). The following example is for running a pipeline on Sun Grid Engine.

bds_scr [SCR_NAME] [LOG_FILE_NAME] -s sge chipseq.bds ...

Once the pipeline run is done, the screen will be automatically closed. To kill a pipeline manually while it's running:

screen -X -S [SCR_NAME] quit

Or use ./utils/kill_scr:

kill_scr [SCR_NAME]

Useful HTML reports

There are two kinds of HTML reports provided by the pipeline:

  1. BigDataScript HTML report for debugging

Located at the working folder with name chipseq_[TIMESTAMP]_report.html. This report is automatically generated by BigDataScript and is useful for debugging since it shows summary, timeline, Stdout and Stderr for each job.

  1. ChIP-Seq pipeline report for QC and result

The pipeline automatically generate a nice HTML report (Report.html) on its output directory (specified with -out_dir or just './out'). It summarizes files and directory structure, includes QC reports and show a workflow diagram and genome browser tracks for peaks and signals (bigwigs for pValue and fold change).

Move your output directory to a web directory (for example, /var/www/somewhere) or make a softlink of it to a web directory. For genome browser tracks, specify your web directory root for your output While keeping its structure. Make sure that you have bgzip and tabix installed on your system.

Add the following to the command line:

-url_base http://your/url/to/output

For desktops with limited memory (< 16GB)

Some bioinformatics softwares like bwa 0.7.3, samtools 0.1.12 do not return non-zero error code even though they are lack of memory (See the following example of bwa 0.7.3 for a desktop with 4 cores and 12GB of memory). Therefore, the pipeline will continue with wrong files. If you get unsatisfactory result take a closer look at HTML report generated by the pipeline. Such HTML report must be found in the working directory where you run the pipeline.

The minimum memory requirement for the pipeline is 8GB, but we recommend to run the pipeline on computers with more than 16GB of memory. If you have memory issues, turn off parallelization by using the flag -no_par in command line argument or no_par = true in a configuration file. However, individual jobs can still use multiple number of processors so increase the number of threads to speed up the pipeline.

Example: for desktop with 4 cores

$ bds chipseq.bds -no_par -nth 4

An example of a failed job due to lack of memory (desktop with 4 cores and 12 GB of memory):

[bam_header_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated.
[bwa_read_seq] 0.0% bases are trimmed.
[bwa_aln_core] convert to sequence coordinate... [bwt_restore_sa] Failed to allocate 1547846992 bytes at bwt.c line 404: Cannot allocate memory
[samopen] SAM header is present: 25 sequences.
[sam_read1] reference 'ID:bwa	PN:bwa	VN:0.7.3-r789	CL:bwa samse /home/leepc12/run/index/encodeHg19Male_bwa-0.7.3.fa /home/leepc12/run/ENCSR000EGM3/out/TEST_Rep2.sai /home/leepc12/run/ENCODE/ENCFF000YLY.fastq.gz
' is recognized as '*'.
[main_samview] truncated file.

List of all parameters for ChIP-Seq pipelines

For advanced users, all command line parameters for the pipeline will be listed if you run bds chipseq.bds without any arguments.

$ bds chipseq.bds

Temporary files on $TMP or /tmp

If you stop a BDS pipeline with Ctrl+C while calling peaks with spp. Temporary files generated by Rscript are not removed and they are still on $TMP (or /tmp if not explicitly exported). You need to manually remove them.

How to add more functions to pipeline source code?


For python2 (python 2.x >= 2.7) and R-3.x, here For python3, here


See more troubleshootings here

  1. "[gzclose] buffer error" during bwa aln


[bwa_aln] 17bp reads: max_diff = 2
[bwa_aln] 38bp reads: max_diff = 3
[bwa_aln] 64bp reads: max_diff = 4
[bwa_aln] 93bp reads: max_diff = 5
[bwa_aln] 124bp reads: max_diff = 6
[bwa_aln] 157bp reads: max_diff = 7
[bwa_aln] 190bp reads: max_diff = 8
[bwa_aln] 225bp reads: max_diff = 9
[bwa_read_seq] 0.2% bases are trimmed.
[bwa_aln_core] calculate SA coordinate... 21.39 sec
[bwa_aln_core] write to the disk... 0.10 sec
[bwa_aln_core] 262144 sequences have been processed.
[bwa_read_seq] 0.2% bases are trimmed.
[bwa_aln_core] calculate SA coordinate... 21.27 sec
[bwa_aln_core] write to the disk... 0.09 sec
[bwa_aln_core] 524288 sequences have been processed.
[bwa_read_seq] 0.2% bases are trimmed.
[bwa_aln_core] calculate SA coordinate... 21.51 sec
[bwa_aln_core] write to the disk... 0.08 sec
[bwa_aln_core] 786432 sequences have been processed.
[bwa_read_seq] 0.2% bases are trimmed.
[bwa_aln_core] calculate SA coordinate... 21.34 sec
[bwa_aln_core] write to the disk... 0.08 sec
[bwa_aln_core] 1048576 sequences have been processed.
[bwa_read_seq] 0.2% bases are trimmed.
[bwa_aln_core] calculate SA coordinate... 21.83 sec
[bwa_aln_core] write to the disk... 0.07 sec
[bwa_aln_core] 1309550 sequences have been processed.
[gzclose] buffer error

Solution1 (BEST): Use bwa-0.7.3 or bwa-0.6.2.

$ git clone bwa-0.7.3
$ cd bwa-0.7.3
$ git checkout tags/0.7.3
$ make
$ ./bwa

Solution2: Upgrade zlib to 1.2.8. (

$ BWA_VER=0.7.3
$ git clone
$ cd bwa
$ git checkout tags/${BWA_VER}
$ sed -e's#INCLUDES=#INCLUDES=-Izlib-1.2.8/ #' -e's#-lz#zlib-1.2.8/libz.a#' Makefile > Makefile.zlib
$ make clean
$ wget
$ tar xvzf zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
$ cd zlib-1.2.8
$ ./configure
$ make
$ cd ..
$ make -f Makefile.zlib
$ ./bwa

Tested bwa versions (with zlib 1.2.8)

0.6.2 0.7.1 0.7.2 0.7.3

0.7.4 0.7.5 0.7.7 0.7.8 0.7.11 0.7.12
  1. Cannot allocate memory (bwa fails due to lack of memory)

An example of a failed job due to lack of memory (desktop with 4 cores and 12 GB of memory):

[bam_header_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated.
[bwa_read_seq] 0.0% bases are trimmed.
[bwa_aln_core] convert to sequence coordinate... [bwt_restore_sa] Failed to allocate 1547846992 bytes at bwt.c line 404: Cannot allocate memory
[samopen] SAM header is present: 25 sequences.
[sam_read1] reference 'ID:bwa   PN:bwa  VN:0.7.3-r789   CL:bwa samse /home/leepc12/run/index/encodeHg19Male_bwa-0.7.3.fa /home/leepc12/run/ENCSR000EGM3/out/TEST_Rep2.sai /home/leepc12/run/ENCODE/ENCFF000YLY.fastq.gz
' is recognized as '*'.
[main_samview] truncated file.

Solution: balance memory usage between parallel jobs or disable parallel jobs (add '-no_par')

$ bds chipseq.bds -no_par ...
  1. [samopen] no @SQ lines in the header. ( bwa sam failure )

For computers with limited memory, bwa samse/sampe fails without non-zero exit value. This leads to a failure of a pipeline or corruption of outputs.

Solution: balance memory usage between parallel jobs or disable parallel jobs (add '-no_par')

$ bds chipseq.bds -no_par ...
  1. Error: could not find environment: aquas_chipseq

Unload any Anaconda Python modules. Remove locally installed Anaconda Python from your $PATH


  • Jin wook Lee - PhD Student, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Stanford University
  • Anshul Kundaje - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Genetics, Stanford University


AQUAS TF ChIP-seq pipeline






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