Implementation of the MegaHAL AI in JS for consumption with node.js
npm install jsmegahal
jsmegahal = require('jsmegahal');
//you can pass in the markov order you want to use. it defaults to 4.
var megahal = new jsmegahal(4);
//add a single sentence
megahal.add("This is a singular sentence and megahal will deconstruct it accordingly.");
//add a lot of data
megahal.addMass("This is a lot of data. Also, it is in multiple sentences!");
//get a string based on the markov data -- this picks a random token in the sentence
console.log(megahal.getReplyFromSentence("Pick a keyword"));
//get a string based on the markob data -- this can take a token, or nothing at all