A Javascript port of Turtle Roy
Try it online: turtle-js.heroku.com/
Command | Result |
fd(100) | moves 100 pixels forward |
bk(100) | moves 100 pixels backward |
lt(45) | turns left 45 degrees |
rt(90) | turns right 90 degrees |
penup() | lifts the pen, no trace left when moving |
pendown() | lowers the pen again for drawing |
setshape("rocket-large") | changes the cursor. available (with and without -large): butterfly, car, fairy, formula, princess, rocket, turtle |
clear() | clear the paper and reset turtle to center |
home() | reset the turtle to center |
login("raimo") | login as "raimo" (this is the author name in your saved work) |
save("asdf") | save current work as "asdf" |
open("asdf") | open saved work "asdf" (presuming you've saved with this name and current author name) |
whoami() | show the author name of the logged-in user (this is just saved in a cookie) |
ls() | list your saved works |
bg("red") | change background color (red, rgb(255,0,0), #FF0000) |
color("red") | change pen color (red, rgb(255,0,0), #FF0000) |
penwidth(4) | change pen width to 4 pixels |
text("HELLO") | draw the text "HELLO" beside the turtle |
font("40px Arial") | changes to the 40px Arial font |
font(100) | changes to the 100px Courier font |
speak("Ninja turtles") | read loud the text (if sound is enabled) |
Build (and rebuild on javascript changes)
npm install
Run the server (node.js / express)
open http://localhost:8070
Optionally also start the mongo db
See origins of the cursor images from src/main/webapp/images/image-sources.txt