Library for interacting with multiple instances of Fortune
Note: this documentation is hopelessly out of date. Update is in the works but for now you'd be better off looking at the tests if you need examples.
var client = require("fortune-client")([ fortuneInstanceA, fortuneInstanceB ]);
getResource(id, options)
Gets a single,a set of or all documents of a given resource depending on whether the id is a single number, an array or a query. Returns a promise resolved with the requested resource data.
client.getUsers({firstName: "John"}).then(function(data){
createResource(document, options)
Creates a new document. Returns a promise resolved with then new created document.
client.createUser({ name: "Bob", email: "" })
destroyResource(id, options)
destroyResources(query, options)
Destroys a single, a set of or all documents of a given resource depending on whether the id is a single number, an array or a query.
client.destroyUsers(["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"])
replaceResource(id, document, options)
replaceResources(arrayOfIds, document, options)
Replaces the resource data for a given id with a provided document
client.replaceUser("Joe", { name: "Alice", sexChangedOn: "2011-10-09"})
udpateResource(id, data, options)
udpateResources(arrayOfIds, data, options)
Updates a given resource.
client.udpateUser("Joe", {op: "add", path: "/users/0/houses/-", value: "1 Elm Row"})
client.getResources(null, {
headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, // set any headers on the underlying request
fields: ["firstName", "lastName"],
include: ["ref1", "ref2"]
#Running demo
From fortune-client root folder run
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- npm install
- cd demo/fortune
- npm install
- cd ../..
- node demo/example-inproc.js