This repository contains the exercises for the Formal Methods for Software Engineering course at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Each submodule contains a different exercise. The following Table lists the exercises, corresponding submodule, and the original repository.
All repositories support autograding via GitHub Classroom. Autograding uses GitHub Actions to run test cases (JUnit) and extract reports from the test results. The tests can be used for feedback when working on the tasks locally (where GitHub Actions are not executed).
We describe the migration from regular worksheets to GitHub Classroom in this experience report:
Soaibuzzaman, Ringert, J.O. Introducing GitHub Classroom into a Formal Methods Module. In: Sekerinski, E., Ribeiro, L. (eds) Formal Methods Teaching. FMTea 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14939. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-71379-8_2
Exercise | Submodule | Description |
1 | fm4se-satsolving | formulas, checking conclusions, verifying Role-Based-Access |
2 | fm4se-featuremodels | Feature Model analysis, dead features, product preservation |
3 | fm4se-smtsolving | Agatha puzzle, math puzzle, PC configuration |
4 | fm4se-java-smt-pc-config | PC configuration from CSV-files, budget and purpose |
5 | fm4se-alloy-solving | domain model, Agatha puzzle, Trash can |
6 | fm4se-alloy-sigs-checker | Analysis of Alloy modules: dead signatures, minimal scopes |
7 | fm4se-ltl-modelchecking | LTL equivalence, counterexamples, chess knight moves |
- | fm4se-rbac | Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) |
- | fm4se-alloy-christmas | Wish list, Santa Claus, Placing Trees |
To work with an individual exercise, fork the corresponding submodule (find the original repository in the above table) repository and work on the exercise in your fork.
To play with all the exercises, clone the repository and the submodule. To clone the repository with all submodules, use the following command:
git clone
cd exercises
git submodule update --init --recursive
To update all submodules with the latest changes, use the following command:
git submodule update --recursive --remote --merge