📝 Report
Using at least three atoms and two different operators in each formula-
a. Provide a formula
b. Provide a formula
Submit the permalink of each formula (see Submission).
Provide two folmulas
a. where
- Check
$\varphi \models p \rightarrow (q \vee r)$ : https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-2a-c1 - Check
$p \rightarrow (q \vee r) \models \varphi$ : https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-2a-c2
b. where
- Check1: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-2b-c1
- Check2: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-2b-c2
You may check each direction of the semantic entailment separately using limboole.
Submit the permalinks of each the relevant checks (4 checks) (see Submission).
Check whether the conclusion(4) is a valid conclusion.
- If Bob spends 5 hours playing video games or watching Netflix, then he cannot finish his formal method assignment.
- If Bob finishes his formal method assignment, then he can submit the final project.
- Bob submitted the final project.
- Therefore, Bob was playing video games for 5 hours.
a. Express the sentences in propositional logic.
- Sentence 1: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-3a-s1
- Sentence 2: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-3a-s2
- Sentence 3: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-3a-s3
- Sentence 4: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-3a-s4
b. Formulate the conclusion using semantic entailment.
Submit the permalinks for each subtask (5 permalinks) (see Submission)
Consider the following permissions table for a role-based access control system.
Role | Course | Assignment | Server |
Student | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Teacher | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Admin | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
a. Follow the steps done in class to encode the above table and the constraints for checking them in limboole. Use these names:
Propositional atoms for roles: isStudent, isTeacher, isAdmin.
Propositional atoms for resources: accessCourse, accessAssignment, accessServer
- Rule 1: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-4a-r1
- Rule 2: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-4a-r2
- Rule 3: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-4a-r3
b. Define two meaningful constraints for the above roles and resources in natural language and encode them in limboole.
- Constraint 1: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-4b-c1
- Constraint 2: https://play.formal-methods.net/?check=SAT&p=task-4b-c2
c. From a and b above, formulate the validity check.
Submit the permalinks for each subtask (6 permalinks) (see Submission)
Submit all the permalinks in src/main/java/de/buw/fm4se/satsolving/task/Tasks.java